Topic: OSX 10.8.x Any Reported Issues? safe to upgrade

Hello all.
I'd like to update my studio mac to OSX 10.8.x
Im currently using the PCIe + Multiface. Version 3.03 on OSX 10.7.4
Im wondering if anyone has moved up to 10.8 successfully or if there are known issues.
thank you

2 (edited by psionicsin 2012-09-28 19:44:23)

Re: OSX 10.8.x Any Reported Issues? safe to upgrade

I had issues while on 10.8.1 and I believe v3.02 of the RME driver. MIDI was TOTALLY jacked up. Didn't even register the ports at all.

When I reported it via email and on the forum, everyone assured me that I was the only one having this problem (which I find weird seeing as how the people who did respond had FireWire units)...but then a week later they released HDSPe driver v3.04...0_o

I've since gone back to 10.7.x and although I've upgraded the RME driver to v3.03, I'm deathly afraid of re-upgrading to Mountain Lion just because of what happened to me the last time.

Re: OSX 10.8.x Any Reported Issues? safe to upgrade

Ive since updated and everything is working fine..

Re: OSX 10.8.x Any Reported Issues? safe to upgrade

ssgrfk wrote:

Ive since updated and everything is working fine..

Hmm ok. Then I might take the plunge and try 10.8.2...