Topic: OSC Submix selection

Hi Everyone!

    I am developing an OSC client for the RME Fireface UFX and TotalMix 0.984.
    I can send commands and change volume levels but always in the same Submix.
    If I select "Submix linked to OSC Control" in TotalMix I can change the Submix in TotalMix but I want to change the Submix selected in my OSC client not in TotalMix.
¿How can I do it?
In "OscTableTotalMix_120522.xls" file I do not find the command.

Thank you!!!

Re: OSC Submix selection

Please help!  Does anybody knows?

Another question:
The Host which houses the Fireface has several Ethernet networks and, therefore, multiple IP addresses.
I wish select the IP address for the OSC Service in FF in TotalMix. Can this be done? Could include in future releases?
I think this is an important limitation.
