Topic: Hi ! Is my multiface dead ? :'(

Hi everybody !
I think my multiface 2 becomes crazy.
She doesn't want to play any sound except "scrzzzzzzz" et "brzrzzzzzzz"
And my totalmix looks like that : … 9xhFXUSQWU

(yes i know it's scary, i don't touch anything, the window changes itself..., and there's no audio signal anywhere...)

I've reinstalled it a lot of times, changed the pci port but nothing...

Have you got some ideas ?
The PCI card is dead ? The Multiface box ?

Thank you !!!

Re: Hi ! Is my multiface dead ? :'(

Tried a different FW400 cable yet?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Hi ! Is my multiface dead ? :'(

No ! I'm going to try that, tx !

Re: Hi ! Is my multiface dead ? :'(

It was not that :'(

Other ideas ?

Re: Hi ! Is my multiface dead ? :'(

Now the totalmix looks like that :