Topic: Totalmix Talkback Midi improvement.

Talkback uses A#6 note off for toggling between ON and OFF.  It works but you can never force it to be on a position you want, rather than just trigger it to switch on to opposite state. I'm using it to automate talkback. DAW (Samplitude) sends out MMC or Midi note for PLAY, STOP, and REC. But I always have to watch if I start with talkback on, so it toggles it in right way.

Better way of doing this is to separate Midi commands to trigger Talkback IN and Talkback OUT. It can be done in many ways.

- two different notes
- Note ON / Note OFF
- Note Vel 0-63 = Talkback OFF / Vel 64-127 = Talkback ON
- CC 0-63 = Talkback OFF / Vel 64-127 = Talkback ON

That way we can force exact talkback position rather than just switch the state.


Re: Totalmix Talkback Midi improvement.
