Topic: Thunderbolt options

I own both the PCIe and Express cards for my MF I and RPM.

Costs notwithstanding, when I migrate to a Thunderbolt based system, is there any benefit to, say for example, using the Sonnet Express adapter over the PCIe host chassis to connect to a Thunderbolt host?

There's a portability issue and it would probably be easier to firmly attach the RME Express card into the Sonnet adapter, which is a step up from treating the express card inserted into a MacBookPro like the delicate flower that it is.

For a more permanent installation, having the PCIe card in a chassis (or whatever you call those things) that can be included or not in the Thunderbolt chain makes it almost as flexible as the express card ( you can bring it or not, move it to another unit without opening a case etc)

So, technically, is there any speed or other issue that favours one or the other?



Re: Thunderbolt options


Thunderbolt does not provide any benefit over PCIe, and the RME card will work exactly the same as when installed in a PCIe slot. The Sonnet PCIe chassis and ExpressCard adapter work very well.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Thunderbolt options

Thanks Jeff.
So the only difference between running a Multiface or RPM connected via the HDSPe Express card into the Sonnet ExpressCard adapter and running it into a HDSPe PCI card into a PCIe card chassis is cost and size/portability?
In both situations, the Multiface will need it's own AC power, correct?

Re: Thunderbolt options

Yes. The HDSPe (desktop) card should power the Multiface as the chassis connects to mains power. The ExpressCard would still require the power pack.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.