Topic: Question About RME Babyface I/O

Hi Gang,

I have a quick question regarding the RME Babyface.

I am looking to setup an external processing loop in order to process sounds from within my DAW. This would consist of a Blackstar HT Dual & Universal Audio Twin-Finity 710 (or whatever combination of other units I’d like to put on there I guess).

If you imagine the layout it would appear something like this:

Mono’ed audio OUT 1/4 headphone jack on breakout cable ---- > Blackstar HT-Dual ---- > UA Twin-Finity 710 ---- > Audio IN 1/4 Hi-Z input on side of RME Babyface.

I am wondering if there is an issues with me doing this?, Am I sacrificing any audio quality or is there a disadvantage? Would this work?

I would obviously have to ensure all sounds that I process through this loop were MONO before leaving the DAW.
I would also be able to run this loop, my monitors & headphones all simultaneously & independent of each other.

Money is pretty tight so I’m looking for cheaper options without sacrificing quality.

Please impart any advice & / or opinions regarding this setup.

Much appreciation!

Re: Question About RME Babyface I/O

Anyone?, Please, I would really like conformation this is a legitimate way to use the Babyface!

Re: Question About RME Babyface I/O

Are you trying to use this for Reamping or tracking?
Ideally you would be coming out channel 3 or 4 of the Babyface then back into channel  2 set to line level not instrument or MIC.
I have a feeling running the Blackstar into the UAD or visa -versa may create some extra line noise.
Ideally I would recommend getting an 8 channel AD/DA converter to use with the ADAT port on the Babyface The hookup both the UAD and the Black star to their own dedicated mono inputs and outputs. This way you do not sacrifice the headphone section of the babyface or the analog inputs. You can then plug the instrument directly input the instrument input of the Babyface or the input of the UAD.

Chris Ludwig | ADK Pro Audio