Topic: ASIO rate changed - constant nagging. WHY?

I keep getting a message telling me the sample rate has changed when it is exactly as it should be.
What have I not got set right please?
The Hammerfall DSP settings are as follows:
Sample Rate 44.1KHz
Clock Source - ADAT 1 In (everything else causes crackling and my WordClock daughterboard has not yet arrived)
ADI-8 DS Converters set to ADAT, and 44.1
Yet every project I open - even if all settings are correct in advance - tells me the sample rate has changed:
ASIO Sample Rate 48,000Hz (the converters are set to 44.1)
Project Sample rate 44,100Hz
Adjust Project Settings/Allow different sample rates

What gives, and how can I change this please?

Nuendo 5.5


Re: ASIO rate changed - constant nagging. WHY?

System sounds on changing the sample rate to 32 kHz? Which driver and firmware version?

Matthias Carstens

Re: ASIO rate changed - constant nagging. WHY?

neilwilkes wrote:

Sample Rate 44.1KHz
Clock Source - ADAT 1 In (everything else causes crackling and my WordClock daughterboard has not yet arrived)
ADI-8 DS Converters set to ADAT, and 44.1

Looks to me as if you might have created a clock loop here, or what does "set to ADAT, and 44.1" refer to for the ADI?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: ASIO rate changed - constant nagging. WHY?

Hi Daniel.
Don't think so.
the DSP settings on the PC are set to Clock Source = ADAT 1 In.
The ADI is set to INT on AD & DA, so the way it looks to me is that the ADI is master.....I may be wrong though, as the ADI is still how it was when I was using the HDSPe 9652 and Word Clock.

Right now, I guess I can live with it as my builder has ordered the WordClock daughterboard for my RayDAT and it should be here soon, and I can go back to the better solution shortly.

When this nag screen comes up, I close it with the top right X

@Matthias, all system sounds are firmly OFF.
Driver & firmware versions are the current ones in "Latest Drivers", of course.....
I am new to the RayDat but it should not be so different, surely?

Re: ASIO rate changed - constant nagging. WHY?

I am unsure whether Word Clock alone will be able to solve this. Sync via ADAT is not inherently inferior, and this should work fine. Are there any similar issues with other software?

When the message comes up, what does the HDSP settings window show (screenshot)?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: ASIO rate changed - constant nagging. WHY?

The HDSP settings window shows what should be there - the correct SR.
As far as the sync goes, to my ears it sounds better via WC than ADAT sync, and this problem was never there at all under WC via my HDSPe 9652 but it was most definitely there with ADAT, so it is indeed highly likely I have a setting wrong somewhere.
What used to happen was switching the SR on the ADI changed the application SR, or loading a project would automatically pick up the SR from the HDSPe.....via ADAT this is not happening.
Pilot Error of some sort does look likely, but what & where?

Re: ASIO rate changed - constant nagging. WHY?

Just loaded a 96K project to test a new plugin installation & did not get the nag screen this time.

Maybe I need a newer ADC/DAC setup. I am reluctant though, as the sound off the ADI's is still superb and the figures are as good as any of the new stuff.....

8 (edited by vinark 2012-11-16 16:13:28)

Re: ASIO rate changed - constant nagging. WHY?

Neil, before you go and rush of to buy new AD/DA rotfl just turn of the ADI and try with the raydat set to internal. What happens then?
And what DAW is causing this (or did I manage to read over it?)

And WC sounding better then ADAT in a situation where the AD/DA is the master, ouch that is eh ....impossible.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: ASIO rate changed - constant nagging. WHY?

Hi Vincent - and thank you for your input.
Will check that later - but with that setting & the ADI on, I get terrible clicking & crackling.

I also know that the WC over ADAT should make no difference, but it does.
I found a long time ago that WC simply sounds better than ADAT, and cannot explain it.
It's a funny thing.

Re: ASIO rate changed - constant nagging. WHY?

Just spotted something else strange.
Went into the HDSP settings & switched back to 44.1 from 96 to match the ADI (different project) and the buffer size changed from 1024 to 512 as well.
Likewise, switching up to 96 from 48 doubled the buffer size automatically as well - why?

Re: ASIO rate changed - constant nagging. WHY?

neilwilkes wrote:

Hi Vincent - and thank you for your input.
Will check that later - but with that setting & the ADI on, I get terrible clicking & crackling.

I also know that the WC over ADAT should make no difference, but it does.
I found a long time ago that WC simply sounds better than ADAT, and cannot explain it.
It's a funny thing.

The ADI is in slave mode then, yes? When the ADI is slave it can sound different depending on the clocking. If the ADI is master it would be very strange indeed.
But the turning the ADI off is only for troubleshooting the nag screen. Have you tried opening your DAW and not load anything, not even your default empty project? What samplerate is set there?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632