Topic: Digiface / HDSPe PCIe /Yamaha 01v96 / Windows7 x64 / Cubase

Hi all,
i'm new to this forum and new to RME products.
We are using a yamaha 01v96 mixer and would like to connect this via ADAT to a win7 pc, running Cubase, using the RME digiface. (we have 3 ADAT io on the mixer)

Could anyone here confirm this is a good choice for a stable setup? Will the Yamaha and RME digiface like each other?
Or would you recommend another direction?

Happy to hear any experience on this before spending the big bugs... ;-)

Thanks a lot!

Re: Digiface / HDSPe PCIe /Yamaha 01v96 / Windows7 x64 / Cubase

Hi Jochem,

I have used a very similar setup and it worked absolutely perfectly. Stable drivers, very low latency and no crackles/glitches etc... The only difference was that I was using a Mackie d8b digital desk at the time (with Adat i/o cards). This was also using Cubase and Win7. I still use a Digiface and the HDSPe card in my home setup, however I have moved to a Madi system in the studio and for location recordings. I can strongly recommend RME gear in general. Importantly, I have also received great support from the forum moderators and my local distributor! I would not hesitate in using the setup you propose. I hope this information helps.


Re: Digiface / HDSPe PCIe /Yamaha 01v96 / Windows7 x64 / Cubase

Thanks George!
Sounds like the right way to go!
