Topic: Mutliface as Slave with Tascam FW 1884.
Hi every one,
I'm using the FW 1884 with Cubase 5 and Win XP.
But i'm feed up with the crappy sound of the fw inputs and want my multiface back !!
But i still want to use the fw 1884 to miw as a DAW with Cubase .
I'd like to do that :
Piano/Vocals--> Multiface--> Cubase---> FW 1884.
How do I do that ?
Probably with ADAT but :
1) Do i have to install the RME drivers ?
2) I so, won't i have a conflit with the fw sound card ?
Thanks for your help...
P.S : i'm also using al ot of VSTinstruments which are going thru the fw 1884 for the moment.
The monitors are plugged to the fw 1884 also !