Topic: Mutliface as Slave with Tascam FW 1884.

Hi every one,

I'm using the FW 1884 with Cubase 5 and Win XP.
But i'm feed up with the crappy sound of the fw inputs and want my multiface back !!

But i still want to use the fw 1884 to miw as a DAW with Cubase .

I'd like to do that :

Piano/Vocals--> Multiface--> Cubase---> FW 1884.

How do I do that ?

Probably with ADAT but :

1) Do i have to install the RME drivers ?
2) I so, won't i have a conflit with the fw sound card ?

Thanks for your help... 

P.S : i'm also using al ot of VSTinstruments which are going thru the fw 1884 for the moment.
The monitors are plugged to the fw 1884 also !

Re: Mutliface as Slave with Tascam FW 1884.

I am using the UFX and FW-1884 quite successfully with Sonar X1.
I use the UFX (ASIO drivers) as the audio interface (via USB).
The FW is just a control surface for Sonar (via FireWire).
I link the UFX and the FW via wordclock (BNC connectors).
The UFX is the "Master".
Sonar can recognize only one device audio using the ASIO drivers (this is a windows thing I think).
I'm running Win 7x64, but that doesn't matter, it will work on XP as well.
When you make the jump to Win 7 the firewire port must use the "legacy" driver (come back when you upgrade).
I know of no one currently using the FW successfully on Win 8 (but I haven't been to the Tascam forum since its resurrection).
Hope this helps,


Re: Mutliface as Slave with Tascam FW 1884.

And if you need the  analogueinputs and outputs of the FW1884 you can connect them through adat to the rme. I use the inputs of my FW1804 (no typo!) as extra inputs through adat for my HDSP9652.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

4 (edited by Roycool 2012-11-26 16:28:13)

Re: Mutliface as Slave with Tascam FW 1884.

Thanks every one
I probably did not explain myself very well :

Inputs = RME --> To FW 1884 --> Cubase 5 win XP --> Monitoring and DAW with FW 1884.
P.S : Vst instruments are used also..

In this case, i should use the FW asio, don't you think ?

In fact, the RME is only used as converters !


5 (edited by vinark 2012-11-26 17:38:05)

Re: Mutliface as Slave with Tascam FW 1884.

Yes I got that. but my advice is to use the rme in cubase cause it has more efficient driver, so you will be able to use more vst fx and instruments and at lower latencies. You will still be able to use your 1884 as controler and even as output, if set up correctly.
But if you don´t want that (it is your party after all) you can use the rme the way you want it. It needs an adat connection from the rme to the 1884 and the hdsp mixer needs to be set up correctly. And you need to decide which machine is the clock master. With only one adat from rme to 1884, the rme needs to be master. If you connect a second adat cable from 1884 to rme, the tascam can be master too.

So yes you will need to install the rme drivers to control the multiface and no that will not cause conflicts normally. Just select the tascam in cubase asio.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Mutliface as Slave with Tascam FW 1884.

Many thanks Vincent...