1 (edited by xflox 2012-12-23 12:06:46)

Topic: HDSP PCI (Rev. 1.8) Asus P8Z77-V LX (i5 3470)

I have some problems with my HDSP PCI card I think. I changed my computer setup 3 month ago. I use it with Ableton Live ASIO and everything is running smooth. But after some time (sometimes after more than 2 hours, than the other time immediatly) audio stops working. Ableton throws no exception. It's not recognizing the loss. Only closing it, takes more time than normal. Same with NI Maschine standalone. When I change the driver to WASAPI (shared mode) in NI Maschine using the onboard sound card after losing audio, Maschine starts running again. Multiface doesn't make any noise except of singnals through its inputs. Standard Windows Driver and TotalMix also work fine. I can't use ASIO applications with my RME card without restarting my computer.


Asus P8Z77-V LX
8 GB RAM (HyperX 2x4GB DDR3 1600MHz)
Core i5 3470
Crucial M4 256MB (@ SATA 6 port)
Windows 7 64bit

I did some other testing including stress testing etc. and the computer itself is running without any problems except of the RME card.

Any suggestions?
Is there a way getting a log file to analyse the problem?

Re: HDSP PCI (Rev. 1.8) Asus P8Z77-V LX (i5 3470)

Do I have a chance that the PCIe card would solve the problem?


Re: HDSP PCI (Rev. 1.8) Asus P8Z77-V LX (i5 3470)

I would try an external power supply for the Multiface first, and a different FW cable.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSP PCI (Rev. 1.8) Asus P8Z77-V LX (i5 3470)

Thanks, I will try.

Re: HDSP PCI (Rev. 1.8) Asus P8Z77-V LX (i5 3470)

I bought firewire cable and power supply and connected it. It didn't help anything. Multiface shows the exactly same behavior.
Btw. the firmware update tool is telling hardware rev 17. So the PCI Card is rev. 1.7?

I did also some more testing. Windows sounds don't work after audio loss - when I was writing the last post, Windows was configured to use the onboard soundcard, which is connected into a mixer which is connected to Multiface - so I thought it works ...

I also tried ASIO4ALL. There the Multiface shows a little bit other behavior. After some time sound starts stuttering before MF is dying. What I am not really understanding is, that the RME-Tools still working properly.

Any other ideas?


Re: HDSP PCI (Rev. 1.8) Asus P8Z77-V LX (i5 3470)

17 is the (latest) firmware version of the HDSP PCI card. Sorry, but I have no idea what could cause this. You might have to check both components on a different computer to be sure they are still ok.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSP PCI (Rev. 1.8) Asus P8Z77-V LX (i5 3470)

Now it seems the card works fine again. What I did? After weeks of eruptions, pain, shouting at my computer and I don't know what the hell to do (and I tried everything - driver deinstall/install, swapped the controller card into another pci slot, ...), I decided to flash the firmware once more, even the last time it was flashed successfully. After 15 times of "error" and me breaking into sweat because of it, the util was able to finish flashing the card. Turned off the computer, turned off the PSU. Turned on everything again. And now everything is running smooth ...
Hope the newer cards have a better flashing behavior and verification process.

Thanks for you help anyway!