Topic: Babyface + High Impedance Headphones
Hi there, nice to meet you! First post here.;)
I´ve just bought a RME babyface interface, and I was also looking for good quality headphones. By reading here and in some other forums, seems that the babyface headphone output wouldn´t be able to drive some of my choices, and I´d like to confirm that matter if possible.
My choices were Sennheiser´s HD600/650, Beyerdynamic DTT880 600 OHM (seems the 250 ohm version works fine with the BF, but i´d prefer the 600 ohm one) or maybe a Beyer 1350 for more portability.
From what I´ve read, I´d have problems with both HD650 and DT 880 600ohm -haven´t found any info about the 1350´s-, wouldn´t I? If yes, besides the DT880 250ohm version, which other good headphones work fine with the babyface? I´d prefer to avoid headphone amps as the babyface is a portable device.
Thanks in advance.