Topic: Win7 64 Crash with RME Babyface


Ive got a problem with the Babyface and Win7 64. A few months ago I used this with XP and everything was fine. Now with Win7 64 it is in one out of ten times when I am using the babyface that windows freezes. It starts that there is suddenly no audio for a few seconds (then I can save my latest work in Cubase) and then windows freeze. When Iam working without the Babyface everything is OK.
What can I do?

Thanks in advance


Re: Win7 64 Crash with RME Babyface

Use the included double power USB cable or an external power supply.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Win7 64 Crash with RME Babyface

Hi Matthias,

thanks for the reply. I tried now with the double power. No difference.

I will try now with external power supply. However, the USB power was one of the reasons why I bought the babyface. Iam recording with my laptop on different places where no power supply is available.. I am thinking of buying a different USB audio interface.

What is the reason for the windows freeze? Are there any settings I can do? Something in Windows?



Re: Win7 64 Crash with RME Babyface

Your firmware and driver version?

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by ollimarc 2013-01-01 23:39:13)

Re: Win7 64 Crash with RME Babyface

driver date: 27.08.12
version: 1.025
hardware revision: 186

driver date: 11.12.12
version: 1.028
hardware revision: 203

edit update:
again windows freeze with latest drivers and double usb connection.

Will try an external power supply tomorrow. Have to buy one..


Re: Win7 64 Crash with RME Babyface

OK, I think the problem is solved. No crash since a week.

I bought a external power supply and everything seems fine... but then a crash again. Then I decided again to use the babyface only for recording and live with the sometimes-windows-freeze.
I used the babyface on a different USB slot by accident and I left it there. No crash since that change.
Conclusion for me: Dont use the babyface on a USB3 port!
Now Iam happy. I will let you know if it crashes again.

Re: Win7 64 Crash with RME Babyface

Updating the USB3 driver may help here.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.