Topic: Multiface 1 problem with blinking LED light - another one

Dear readers & tech help,

I recently bought a Multiface 1 with PCI rev 1.8.
I run it in Windows 7 64 bit SP1.
I have also bought an external power supply (12V 1.25A DC).

However, whenever I try to install (I follow all the steps) with latest drivers etc I get the red LED light blinking (some times changing between the yellow one in "MIDI OUT") and the I/O box status in the DSP settings gets from "detected" to "connected" and then "disconnected".

I have read many articles with same problems, but with no solution.

I bought an external power supply, but nothing changed...

Anybody know a trick or what is happening? Maybe it is a compability issue and cannot be fixed?

Best regards,



Re: Multiface 1 problem with blinking LED light - another one

If your external power supply is working correctly then either the PCI card or the Multiface box needs service. But before you send them in try a different FireWire cable.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Multiface 1 problem with blinking LED light - another one

Well, if I am not mistaken, multiface 1 isn't supposed to need extra power from an external power adaptor. So, if that is true, even if my adaptor isn't working good, that shouldn't be a problem, right?
I will test another Firewire cable, even though the one I use is brand new. But who knows, just to be sure.

Best regards,


Re: Multiface 1 problem with blinking LED light - another one

Well I tried a new firewire cable and the results are:
White light (the midi one) doesn't blink
The red light doesn't light up (as supposed to), but occasionaly blinks.
In the DSP settings I/O box is set to connected, but in synchcheck tab it changes all the time from "lock" to "no-lock" (ADAT in, SPDIF in etc)
Also, when I set the sample rate. It stables but when I open again the DSP settings it has changed...
Finally, from my speakers I hear only noise, like white noise?


Re: Multiface 1 problem with blinking LED light - another one

Is the MF set to 'Internal' clock? Anything else connected at SPDIF or ADAT I/O?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Multiface 1 problem with blinking LED light - another one

It is set to internal clock, no ADAT or SPDIF connected, just analog in/out.

However, I read in another post where you suggest that the Firewire connector of the multiface unit might be broken and the solution you propose is testing with a shorter cable.
I will try that because the first firewire cable was 5m and the second 3m. Even though the problem wasn't fixed with the different cable, I saw a better stability on the DSP settings menu. So I assume that this might be the problem.

If someone here has notice the same thing please post, because I have read tons of posts with the same problem with me (red light blinking/noise) with none knowing the cause or found a solution and this maybe in fact be the solution!