Topic: i/o box locked?????


I have lost most functionality on my RME digi 9652.....

After resetting up my whole system including reformatting my c drive, and reinstalling all again I still seem to be having the same issues.

I am running a Yamaha o2r with 2 adat cards connected via optical cable to the RME, with windows xp sp 3.

This studio has been stable for many years and this is the first real problem i have had.

The only difference that i can see is on the dsp settings page, there is a little addition under the timecode section that says "I/O box locked"

Does this mean anything..... how do i fix it?

It seems like nothing is reaching the desk. even the Hammerfall mixer is not showing signal......

Please help.....

Very Urgent......

Re: i/o box locked?????

If you have a Digi 9652 (the non HDSP version), then you've installed the wrong driver...
Else, please provide more details. Which driver version is this, what changes to the system have you made recently?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: i/o box locked?????

When I re setup the system i used the drivers on the original disk and then updated with one i downloaded today from the website.

the build up to this was a few strange boots where the system did not recognize the card, and then after a reboot it did. etc..
Then one day it just did not work. It is seeing the o2r as you can see on the setting page it says sync, or lock..
Since then i redid the c drive etc.


Re: i/o box locked?????

Plase name the exact type of card.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: i/o box locked?????

The user guide says

Project Hammerfall
DIGI 9652

when i looked for it on your site - this is the one -

The image is what i have.

I'm not sure about the differences on digi or hdsp - but it is 2 cards linked by a flat ribbon cable. the main part has 4 opticle slots and a spidf  link. the second card has 2 optical slots and a midi connector as well as a word clock connector.

Please excuse my basic answers i'm more a musician than a tech head.

Any thoughts on the i/o box locked thing????


Re: i/o box locked?????

You have installed an incorrect driver. The Digi 9652 is long out of prioduction and no longer on our website.

Please uninstall/delete HDSP files and drivers and use this: …

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: i/o box locked?????

will do now


Re: i/o box locked?????

Thanks for your help yesterday. - i took the card out again and looked at the name on the card itself and it says hdsp 9652. then i isolated the 3 sections of the card and have found that 1-8 has no output signal. I was only using 1- 16, so i have reconfigured the system to run from 9 - 24 effectively bypassing 1-8, and i now have everything up and running. Not sure what happened to the card or what i should do about it. It says that it is linked on the dsp setting page but it does not link on the o2r. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Thanks again

Re: i/o box locked?????

Where does it say linked? Maybe you have switched the first optical port to SPDIF mode in the settings...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: i/o box locked?????

Sorry - it says sync - you can see now that i am running adat 2 + 3 and not 1.

How do i check the spdif mode?

Re: i/o box locked?????

just tried again - put the main mon out on the dsp mixer to 1+2 and still no change - as soon as i move the opticle cable to the 1-8 section then it does not link/sync on the o2r -


Re: i/o box locked?????

The screen shot you sent clearly shows that both optical in and out #1 are set to SPDIF mode (as exlained in the manual also). Please set In to Coax and untick optical for Out...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: i/o box locked?????

Thanks so much daniel, and thanks for your patience with me. All seem to be working as i remember it........still not sure why it all changed!!

Stay well