Topic: Raydat - just one Toslink?


Just read the Raydat manual. I'm looking for a device with multiple SPDIF Toslink out.

According to the manual, just the 4th ADAT channel can be used as SPDIF Toslink.

Can somebody confirm that just one output can be configured as SPDIF.



Re: Raydat - just one Toslink?


Matthias Carstens

Re: Raydat - just one Toslink?

Hmmh. What a pity. The whole industry doesn't seems to offer such a device.

Is it just a firmware limitation or is it related to the HW design? If firmware, is there a chance to chance to get the feature implemented sooner or later?



Re: Raydat - just one Toslink?

> The whole industry doesn't seems to offer such a device.

Well, because nobody needs it. There had been an ADAT to 4x SPDIF converter long ago, but I am not sure something like this still exists. Maybe others know...

How many SPDIF you need? The RayDAT can use AES via XLR in parallel to the optical SPDIF. Get or build a simple adapter cable XLR to RCA, then get one of those cheap RCA to optical SPDIF converters, and you have two outputs.

Need more? Connect RME's ADI-192 DD or ADI-4 DD via ADAT. They also feature one optical output directly. Use adapter cables XLR to coax, then the simple coax to optical converter to convert 3 x XLR to optical. Gives a total of 5 optical TOSLINK outputs.

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by soundcheck 2013-03-03 09:03:59)

Re: Raydat - just one Toslink?

"Nobody needs it..."  -- Then call me nobody.

There are cards with multiple AES and multiple SPDIF coax out. I did make good experience with Toslink regarding galvanic isolation. In my case it was better then coax.

You didn't really answer my question. If you can switch one ADAT to SPDIF, why not all ???

A parallel Coax/Toslink I consider pretty useless. Why not seperate those channels?

Your solution seems a bit of an overkill to me. I better look for an AES-Toslink converter. But that probably
will introduce more jitter and will cost more.

Your Raydat comes with 4 optical outs. It might not be that difficult for your guys to consider minor modifications for the future.

My usecase: I'd like to run  four FullDigitalAmps (PCM/PWM conversion -- no DAC) with Toslink input.

I do think optical connections are very benefitial. SPDIF Toslink though obviously has some limitations.

Though I'm pretty sure that active speakers with optical input and full digital amping might have quite a market out there.



Re: Raydat - just one Toslink?

The hardware programmed into the FPGA of the RayDAT would need to be quite different when using more than one optical SPDIF output. We can not justify the occupation of resources in both the hardware and the development for a feature that only very few users need.

And seriously, if there is a market then somebody will build it. We will not, sorry.

Matthias Carstens

7 (edited by soundcheck 2013-03-04 11:11:00)

Re: Raydat - just one Toslink?

OK. Then it's a SW programming resource issue.  Thx for letting me/us know.

Toslink occupies 2 instead of 8 channels per TL channel.
The routines for switching ADAT to SPDIF/Toslink do exist. They would just have to be multiplied.
The protocol stack exists.
I do not see any resource limitations from that side at least.

I don't understand, why a manufacturer wouldn't grep a unique selling point, if the HW already offers it.

Anyhow. You obviously expressed  that there are limitations. I take that for granted.
Though your last post clearly suggests to me that you (you RME - assuming you speak for RME marketing ) are just not interested to look into it, since you don't see the market. Fair enough.

Idea: Why don't you sell a 2nd set of firmware which offers 4* SPDIF/Toslink in/out firmware?? Just put a pricetag of a couple of €  to it. You wouldn't be the first making money with SW. But you'd be the first offering multiple Toslinks. wink Ok. Sorry. There's no market. I forgot.

Anyhow. I'll leave it for know.

Thx for your open feeback.
