1 (edited by lebarde 2013-03-06 12:24:27)

Topic: Some digital sync help request

Hi RME users.
My system grew quite a bit lately, and I have some questions about digital syncing all my devices together.

Here is my setup (only what's involved with digital)

2 computers
- computer 1 with Mutilface 2 + HDSP9652
- computer 2 with HDSP9652 + ADI8DS

1 Lavry blue A/D D/A
1 Eventide Eclipse

For now, the master clock is the Lavry blue, giving the clock to Computer 1 Multiface2 through SPDIF.
Multiface 2 of computer1 is connected via ADAT to HDSP 9652 of computer2, syncing all fine.

Now I just installed the 9652 on computer1 and can't get it to sync via wordclock. Tried to get the source from the WC of Multiface2 of the same computer (like I saw on another topic), or also tried to get it from the WC output of the Lavry Blue.
I got the green light of the WC in on HDSP9652 to light up, but in the DSP settings pannel I don't have it locked.

Wondering if all these devices could take 1 clock from another like I'm trying to do (mixing sync brought over ADAT & WC) or is a Master Clock generator needed in my situation.
Wondering if the termination should be activated on the HDSP9652 to lock.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Some digital sync help request

What exactly does the settings dialog show? Have you selected the tab for the 9652?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Some digital sync help request

Very quick reply, thanks ! smile
Yes, I well selected the second tab for the 9652.
Here is what the settings dialog shows :

Re: Some digital sync help request

Seems as if there is no Word Clock connected... What happens when you connect the BNC cable to the Multiface?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Some digital sync help request

Exact same when connected to the multiface.
I well have the light of the 9652 turning on green when I connect either on the lavry or on the multiface.
Hope it's not a hardware failure =S .. just bought that thing 2nd hand.

6 (edited by vinark 2013-03-06 16:36:20)

Re: Some digital sync help request

Did you try to disconnect and then reconnect the flat cable that connects the word clock module to the 9652?

Is there any free adat to connect to the non synced 9652 and use that for sync?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

7 (edited by lebarde 2013-03-08 02:07:23)

Re: Some digital sync help request

Ok.. you can ban me from this forum... the bnc cable was connected to the wrong computer card.
How stupid am I ?.. some people say even the greatest do the biggest mistakes... maybe this one would say that I'm becoming a smarter mind, muarf.
Sorry for taking your time.

If maybe I can take the opportunity still to ask if it would be a better advantage to sync all my devices with a clock generator rather than spreading the clock from where I can... any advice on that is welcome.

Sorry one more time
=> me fryingpan

Re: Some digital sync help request

LOL, your not the first and won´t be the last. Back in the days I was a live sound engineer I connected 20 to 30 cables a day. Bound to go wrong some days.
A master clock at this stage is not needed. You need it when you can´t do it without. Don´t believe the hype!

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Some digital sync help request

Thank you for your indulgence. This one was like looking for my glasses everywhere while having them on my forehead.
Perfect, cool to know I can go on like this with my system.
Cheers for the support!