Topic: Windows 7 (64bit) - windows\system32\fireface.exe message

Hello everybody,:-)

I re-installed my daw to go 64 bit. All is working fine except each time I start Windows I get the anoying message (window) about unsigned drivers and I have to choose RUN or CANCEL.

windows\system32\fireface.exe message

I did installed (updated) the latest drivers as mentionned for Windows 7 manually thru the device manager but getting that anoying window.

Can someone help me out with this?

Many thanks in advance,

The lord of the strings

Windows 7(64bit)sp1 / Cubase 7.02 (64bit)/ RME Fireface 800

Re: Windows 7 (64bit) - windows\system32\fireface.exe message

Just untick the option to ask every time and be done with it...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs