Topic: Help with setting up physical loopback required

Hi all, sorry to bump an old thread, better than a new one I guess.

I have never set up a physical loopback before and am having an issue here. I basically need to have this explained to me in laymans terms.

Goal: I want to record audio from my daw while I work on a production for the purpose of a lesson.

Issue: 9652 does not support the loopback function so a physical cable loopback needs to be created.... I have never done this.

Equipment RME 9652 into Lucid 88192 with via ADAT. Lucid has 8i/o and my monitor controller receives output signal from outputs 1+2. I have plenty free i/o.

Application for recording: Cam Studio, which allows me to select all available outputs but is obviously not receiving audio so will not record.

If someone could help, that would be much appreciated.

Re: Help with setting up physical loopback required

Anyone? This is the third thread I've started on the topic (two others elsewhere) I'm surprised no one has helped out.

Re: Help with setting up physical loopback required

Is Cam Studio recording the OUTPUTS of the RME Card or the Inputs (not familiar with Cam Studio at all)?  If it is recording the Software Outputs (not generally how Audio Software works), you shouldn't need to do anything but select the RME Driver and CH 1/2 in Cam Studio (will record the digital signal you are sending your Lucid DAC on ADAT 1/2).

What DAW software are you using for the example session?  If it is a modern DAW of any sort, it should allow you to send multiple busses to different RME Outputs.  You could leave your DAW's Main Mix on ADAT 1/2 feeding the Lucid and your Monitors, and then also bus the Mix to another set of outputs in your DAW project - say ADAT 9/10 (on ADAT Port #2).  You might need to create a bus/group or Aux Send in your project to make this happen (all depends on your DAW software).  Then, you can physically connect the RME's ADAT #2 Output to the RME's ADAT #2 Input with a Toslink Cable.  You will now have a duplicate of your DAW's Main Mix on your RME's ADAT 9/10 Inputs to record into Cam Studio (Select RME ADAT 9/10 in Cam Studio). 

If your DAW Software is extremely limited, you might need to cobble something together since the DIGI 9652 doesn't have TotalMix or Loopback.  You might need to Split or "Mult" the Lucid's 1/2 Analog Outputs to be able to feed your Monitors AND then to feed the Lucid's Analog Inputs 1/2 (or 3/4 or whatever).  This would be an analog loopback of a digital signal, but for your instructional video purposes it will probably be OK.  You'd basically use a splitter cable to get the common set of analog outputs to feed 2 different inputs (Feed the Monitors and the Lucid ADC Inputs for re-recording the audio in Cam Studio).

Hopefully I understand your end-goal - This should be easy with any modern DAW software and a Toslink Cable smile


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8