Topic: HDSPe AES 32 and Windows 8

I have troubles to locate the "Hammer" symbol under W8. The symbol comes only after installing the Driver but after I restart the computer just disappears. I turned the notifications and still doesn't come on the screen. I tried to locate the Program under "Program files" - it is not there. It is frustrating since I am having troubles to link my HTPC with my Trinnov Room Correction system.
Any help will be appreciated.


Re: HDSPe AES 32 and Windows 8

Are you using the latest driver 3.33?

Search for hdsp32.exe, check its location. Then check in taskmanager if it is already running. Also check if it is started on Windows boot automatically.

And don't forget to put a big '7' label over the 8 so the computer gets usable DeadHorse

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe AES 32 and Windows 8

MC, thank you for the reply. I gewt the message that the driver is latests when I update the driver..
Just don't know how to check if hdsp boots automatically? Can u help?