Topic: Help troubleshoot annoying infrequent dropouts on my 9652?


I am using the 9652 HDSP, Windows 7, Asus Sabertooth X79, intel i7 3930k.
My DPC latency is 8-12 us, no spikes ever.
I am using a 256 sample buffer.

Let me know if there is anymore info that would help diagnose my problem.

The problem is that, from time to time, maybe a couple of times every half hour, the audio cuts out for a split second. This could happen anytime, with any type of project big or small, of even while my computer is doing nothing if I have the outputs to my monitors up high enough, I can detect the dropout from the feint noise in my monitors disappearing momentarily, so it's nothing to do with cpu being overworked, and a 256 sample buffer should be more than enough. There is no spike in CPU use or DPC latency when the dropout occurs.

I'm quite frustrated with this as I have spent some time optimising my system, getting a very low DPC latency, and have run out of ideas for places to look. Can anyone help me?



Re: Help troubleshoot annoying infrequent dropouts on my 9652?

Is that drop out on the record or playback side? Check the digital connections and clock settings.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Help troubleshoot annoying infrequent dropouts on my 9652?

MC wrote:

Is that drop out on the record or playback side? Check the digital connections and clock settings.

So far I've only noticed it on the playback side, but I haven't actually done any recording yet so I couldn't be sure that the problem is isolated to playback.

I checked my clock settings.

In the HDSP settings, I have spdif in selected as my clock source.
The 9652 is connected via SPDIF to my DA converter, which is also set to sync to spdif.

The HDSP settings confirms that the two devices are synced.

I don't know much about clocking, it seemed logical to set both devices to clock to spdif, but now I am wondering if one of the devices should be set to internal. Am I asking each device to use the other one as a clock source? And if so would this cause dropouts?

If one of them needs to be set to internal, is there any prefference to which one?

Thankyou for your time.


Re: Help troubleshoot annoying infrequent dropouts on my 9652?

> In the HDSP settings, I have spdif in selected as my clock source.
> The 9652 is connected via SPDIF to my DA converter, which is also set to sync to spdif.

That can not work. One of the units must be set to internal clock, being the master.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Help troubleshoot annoying infrequent dropouts on my 9652?

MC wrote:

> In the HDSP settings, I have spdif in selected as my clock source.
> The 9652 is connected via SPDIF to my DA converter, which is also set to sync to spdif.

That can not work. One of the units must be set to internal clock, being the master.

Well in that case I'm surprised it's performing as well as it has been! I'll make sure to change it when I get home and test it out, thankyou!

Re: Help troubleshoot annoying infrequent dropouts on my 9652?

Setting my 9652 to internal clock seems to have fixed it, I've listened for a couple of hours with no dropouts now....thanks!