Topic: FF800+Sony Vaio laptop+Win7/64bit. Host sync lost w/ASIO software


I have a relatively new Sony Vaio VPC-F12S1E laptop running on Windows 7 64-bit, with i7 processor and 6GB RAM. When I first started using my Fireface 800, I had no problems at all. Everything worked like a charm, plug and play, no hassle. RME style like it's supposed to be.

My problems with FF800 started a while back, seemingly with no apparent reason. When I would start up my computer, FF800 would at first find host sync during Windows bootup, but then as I started any audio program that uses ASIO and the FF800, the host sync would be lost and all I'd have was the red light indicating it. Switching the power on and off in the FF800 on wouldn't help. Neither one of the Fireface's system tray icons won't open.

So far I've found a trick by accident to work around this. However it requires many attempts and some amount of luck as it seems totally random whether and when it will work:

I open up the Windows Device Manager and first disable, then re-enable the IEE1394 host controller and also try power cycling the FF800 in the process. After that I open up the ASIO based audio software (in this case SONAR) and either everything works perfectly or the sync is lost again and the unit remains dead silent. It usually takes 2-5 tries and retries for this to start working.

As I'm running the latest drivers and firmware from RME, I'm wondering what could be the source of this problem?

The Sony Vaio I have has a Ricoh chipset in its fireware controller. Is this bad?

Also, because I'm using the laptop on various recording and live performance purposes, I have a RME RPM sound card with the Expresscard controller that I use from time to time (never simultaneously with the FF800 however!). Could the RME HDSP/RPM drivers be conflicting with the FF800? I didn't have a conflict problem earlier, neither with my previous laptop that I used the same setup in, it was an Acer running on Windows Vista so that's why I'm puzzled. I've also tried removing the HDSP drivers, didn't help. And I never had a problem with the HDSP system on this computer either.

Any hints on solving this issue would be highly appreciated!

Re: FF800+Sony Vaio laptop+Win7/64bit. Host sync lost w/ASIO software

Other RME drivers do not cause any conflict. Make sure you are not touching or moving the Firewire cable - if this is the mini 4-pin connection on the laptop, it can be very easy to cause disconnections.

The Ricoh chipset could indeed be the problem here. Did you try using Legacy drivers for the Ricoh chip? Might help, might not.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: FF800+Sony Vaio laptop+Win7/64bit. Host sync lost w/ASIO software

did you solve the problem?
i think i've got the same problem with my fireface 800 on my sony vaio notebook VPCF11M1E/H. it's also a ricoh-firewire chipset.
i use cubase 5 (32 bit) on win 7 (64 bit). before i had the fireface my system ran without any problems with other interfaces - also via firewire. so it couldn't be a mechanical problem with the small 4-pin port.
i had some projects in cubase runnig fine for a while with the ff800, but then the host led of the ff turns red if i change the buffer size in the rme-setup, open another project in cubase, selecting the fireface asio-driver in cubase or just while starting cubase.
restarting the system and ff800 is the only way. and it also takes many attempts and some luck to get the ff back in cubase for a while.

Re: FF800+Sony Vaio laptop+Win7/64bit. Host sync lost w/ASIO software

I still have some issues with the Fireface unit, even with the latest drivers. The host sync issues don't come by as often anymore, but now I've experienced some weird problems when recording multitrack audio with SONAR using the same setup.

I started another topic dealing those issues:

Re: FF800+Sony Vaio laptop+Win7/64bit. Host sync lost w/ASIO software

I'm having the same problem with a Lenovo W520 (i7) laptop, running Win 7/64 with a Ricoh Firewire chip - sometimes works, but usually loses sync as soon as I start Nuendo. The Fireface 800 is not then recognized unless I reboot the computer.

My workaround is to use an expresscard Firewire adapter. The FF800 work fine. It is recognized the instant I plug it in, whether Nuendo is running or not. If I use the built-in Firewire, the FF800 will drop sync within a few seconds.

6 (edited by hapsutakki 2011-10-02 12:03:43)

Re: FF800+Sony Vaio laptop+Win7/64bit. Host sync lost w/ASIO software

Neumann wrote:

I'm having the same problem with a Lenovo W520 (i7) laptop, running Win 7/64 with a Ricoh Firewire chip - sometimes works, but usually loses sync as soon as I start Nuendo. The Fireface 800 is not then recognized unless I reboot the computer.

My workaround is to use an expresscard Firewire adapter. The FF800 work fine. It is recognized the instant I plug it in, whether Nuendo is running or not. If I use the built-in Firewire, the FF800 will drop sync within a few seconds.

What's the brand name and model of the Expresscard adapter you use? At one point, I thought I'd try out one from Sonnet, which are being marketed specifically for audio and video use. Like this one: … ard34.html

Has anyone got any experience on Sonnet's cards? Are they basically the same as any other Expresscard adapter with a TI chipset or are they really better for the kind of use they're marketed for? I've also looked at cards from DeLOCK, but I've read that there's been some issues with them and RME'S FW series sound cards.

Re: FF800+Sony Vaio laptop+Win7/64bit. Host sync lost w/ASIO software

did that resolve your problem?

well, if you can't find your model in the support...

Notice that Sony vaio laptops usually have diferent model number, in the down right side of the screen, and diferent in the down side of the laptop..