Topic: Digico SD10 and madiface issues

  I cannot seem to get my digico SD10 to output into my madiface express card unit. My configuration is...

Mac mini OSX 10.8
Sonnettech express to thunderbolt adapter

I installed the latest driver from the website and ran the flash update tool, and still nothing. I know the rack is outputting MADI because it works fine with the console, but I don't see any input in total mix, nuendo or reaper.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Re: Digico SD10 and madiface issues

> I don't see any input in total mix, nuendo or reaper.

Irrelevant. What does the RME Settings dialog show?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Digico SD10 and madiface issues

I'm not in front of the system right now, but from what I remember, under "Input Status" there was no channel format shown (it was blank) and the sync said "no lock"


Re: Digico SD10 and madiface issues

Means the card did not receive any MADI signal...check again, and note the input switch on the front...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Digico SD10 and madiface issues

   Thank you for your prompt replies. I did confirm that the input switch was set properly (coax in my case). I have actually pulled the main MADI line connecting my SD Rack (digico's I/O rack) to my console. I know that line is carrying valid MADI because when I plug it into my console, it works perfectly fine. When I remove that line from the console and connect directly from the SD Rack's main MADI output to the Madiface, I get nothing. I've tried several other ports on the SD Rack and SD10 as well, and I get nothing from any of them....

Re: Digico SD10 and madiface issues

Please try a similar loopback test with the Madiface (set Clock Mode to master/internal).

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Digico SD10 and madiface issues

   Thank you. Just to clarify, are you saying I should attempt to playback from the computer/madiface into my console? If so, I'll give that a try tomorrow and report back...


Re: Digico SD10 and madiface issues

No. He meant you connect output of the MADIface directly to the input of the MADIface. Just to see if a signal is shown in the Settings dialog then.

Matthias Carstens