Topic: ProTools 10 low latency monitoring and Multiface I

Can we look forward to this or is it time to dump the ol' Multiface?


2 (edited by Francesca 2013-04-26 11:06:05)

Re: ProTools 10 low latency monitoring and Multiface I

It should work.. But did you get Pro Tools 10 to work with the Multiface at all ? I, at various samplerates and buffersizes, tried Multiface 1 and 2 and can only hear a metallic decimated version of what I am supposed to hear.
I would like this to work...My AES 32 works well...

Re: ProTools 10 low latency monitoring and Multiface I

It should work but the Multiface doesn't work at all? That's slightly confusing. I've used the Multiface and PT for years and it works great, but now that 10 is here I can't get low latency monitoring to work. RME care to chime in?

Re: ProTools 10 low latency monitoring and Multiface I

Please try to be more specific... What exactly doesn't work? What's the exact platform etc.?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: ProTools 10 low latency monitoring and Multiface I

Hi Daniel

System: ProTools 10.3.5, Win 7 SP1, Multiface I 3.55

Problem: When I turn on "Low latency monitoring" in the ProTools Options menu, PT looses control over the volume level, i.e. I can turn the record channels fader up and down (in PT) and nothing happens. PT and RME are not communicating. Turn "Low latency monitoring" off and everything is back to normal (with latency).