Topic: New RME User needs EPROM (Have MAC, Need WIN!)

Hi All,

I've just picked up my first RME card (ever) - a nice vintage 9636 (v1.5 PCI).

First issue, when I bought it, didn't actually realise it had the wrong EPROM in it, so I can't actually *do* anything with it until I get the W36 EPROM.  Don't suppose anyone can help with that issue, based in the UK?

Second, I've done some reading up; it's a 32bit only card, I need to use the vintage DIGI drivers, and I'll see 2x8 ADAT channels in each direction, in the ASIO layer, at least that's what I think is the case.

Is anyone still using this setup, and can offer a new user a little heads-up on what to expect when I actually DO plug it in!?

Best wishes to all smile


Re: New RME User needs EPROM (Have MAC, Need WIN!)

Unfortunately, these EPROMs are no longer available - if, then on ebay or so. If you have the original packaging, check whether the W36 is included.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

3 (edited by niddnet 2013-05-02 12:42:48)

Re: New RME User needs EPROM (Have MAC, Need WIN!)

Hi Daniel

Thanks for getting in touch so quickly.  I thought the EPROMs may no longer be available, so my hope is that a user may have one (perhaps using their card in a Mac) - I have, I think, found a source online in the USA, for $30, but I was hoping to find something a little cheaper, so I can get the feel for the card first.

(Then I'll just need to sell something to raise money for the newer card - that's the HSDP I believe?)

Can you also confirm that the DIGI9636 (v.1.5) which I have, is also the card known as 'Hammerfall'?

Let's hope I'm able to start using the card soon!
