Topic: Updating Firmware on HDSP PCI v1.3?

Hi, I read the readme which stated that updating these is not always successful, so I bought an additional HDSP PCI v1.9 to use in the newer Vista box, rather than attempting to update the old card in the Win2K Giga box (if it works, don't fix it haha!).

My question is this, whenever this old Giga PC breaks I'd like to use the old HDSP PCI v1.3 in a newer PC, which would require attempting the update etc. What is the procedure if the update fails (I'm near SF California, USA)?

Thank you.

Re: Updating Firmware on HDSP PCI v1.3?

You could contact Synthax US. Failure is unlikely - but I'm afraid I have no statistics whatsoever.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Updating Firmware on HDSP PCI v1.3?

It's best to update the firmware while the card is in the known working (Win2k) computer.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Updating Firmware on HDSP PCI v1.3?

Thanks to you both!

Jeff, what's the average turn around time in the case of an upgrade failure (minus postage time to Youngstown from SF round trip)?

I'm going to be having a power trio in the studio for few weeks so the Giga machine won't be being used during that time, so if the turn around time works for me I could try the upgrade sooner rather than later (as you said it's better to do the upgrade in the old working Win2K environment)?

As you can see I'm trying to avoid any downtime on this machine during times it'll be needed etc.


Jeff wrote:

It's best to update the firmware while the card is in the known working (Win2k) computer.