Topic: Issues connecting Fireface UFX to RayDay HDSPe Via ADAT

Hi again,

I really appreciate the help in getting the ADAT 4 working with SPDIF.

Now, I have hooked up the RME Fireface UFX using ADAT 1 OUT on the Fireface UFX, to the ADAT 1 IN on the RayDat card.  Since my DAW will only accept one device at a time, I figured I could route the analog inputs to ADAT 1-8 OUT on the Fireface, and then record the signal using the ADAT channels on the RayDat as mono channels.    I got a signal through the Raydat card, but there is a very digital sounding hum that increases with the signal.  For example, when I speak into the microphone, the signal spikes as like it's supposed to, but there is no voice, just that weird digital oscillating hum.  If i turn the volume up on the ADAT 1\2 inputs on the HDSPe Mix, then it turns into a full on digital sounding feedback.    Very confused!

Re: Issues connecting Fireface UFX to RayDay HDSPe Via ADAT

What are your clock settings for both units? Is the Raydat showing "sync" for ADAT 1 in?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Issues connecting Fireface UFX to RayDay HDSPe Via ADAT

It displays ADAT 1 Sync 44.1kHz.

Re: Issues connecting Fireface UFX to RayDay HDSPe Via ADAT

And what about the DA, is that also handled by the UFX? Also, can you record the signal in the DAW and check if the noise is recorded?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Issues connecting Fireface UFX to RayDay HDSPe Via ADAT

Yes I will check now, because the audio track in my DAW does display that the signal is coming through, I just don't know if it's that same digital oscillation or not.  Stand by ill have an answer in 10 minutes.

Re: Issues connecting Fireface UFX to RayDay HDSPe Via ADAT

Ok, I monitored the signal, and that weird electronic feedback is present, and it grows louder and louder.  No voice comes through.  But when I record without software monitoring the signal, it records the vocals normally and plays back normally.   It's only when I'm monitoring the signal apparently through HDSPe Mix, and when I use software monitoring through my DAW.

I have the output for MASTER set to Spdif, and the playback timing setting to SPDIF, which is coming out of ADAT 4.   The fireface, although it is connected via Firewire, is not present or selected in my DAW, my intentions are to use it as a stand alone unit, and have any audio channels routed through the ADAT outputs. (ADAT 1\ADAT 2).

Re: Issues connecting Fireface UFX to RayDay HDSPe Via ADAT

And thank you for all your time in helping me.

Re: Issues connecting Fireface UFX to RayDay HDSPe Via ADAT

bubingaisgod wrote:

Ok, I monitored the signal, and that weird electronic feedback is present, and it grows louder and louder.  No voice comes through.  But when I record without software monitoring the signal, it records the vocals normally and plays back normally.   It's only when I'm monitoring the signal apparently through HDSPe Mix, and when I use software monitoring through my DAW.

This seems like you created a feedback loop in the HDSP mixer. Please reset and try again. Hold CTRL and click Preset 1 (right side panel) to reset the mixer to defaults.

Also, you can't use both software monitoring (DAW) and hardware monitoring (HDSP Mixer) at the same time. If you use HDSP mixer for zero latency input monitoring, the DAW should be set to "hardware monitoring" mode, or at least any armed track should have input monitoring disabled.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Issues connecting Fireface UFX to RayDay HDSPe Via ADAT

Ok, on reset, I got a real signal now, but the volume level is very low, and it's only monitoring to SPDIF Left when using one mono channel(ADAT 1), not  in stereo like before, and it's only outputting to the left channel to my Central Station over the TOS Link(ADAT 4).   As a test, I set TotalMix to output the Mic channel to ADAT 1 and ADAT 2, and then routed both of those to SPDIF, and it monitored in stereo then.   On the DAW, ADAT 1 Left is seen as a mono channel and records in mono, but it's very very low level, and I have all the levels pumped on total mix and HSDP mix.  In order to get the levels some what listenable, I have to max out all the levels, and it raises the noise floor by a lot.