Topic: where to buy a new breakout cable for the Babyface?

I have some contact problems with my breakout cable and I would like to buy a new one. Is that possible? Where?
Thank you

Re: where to buy a new breakout cable for the Babyface?

Wherever you bought your Babyface...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: where to buy a new breakout cable for the Babyface?

The magnet around  breakout cable's wires caused 2 of the wires to lose contact. Mentioning that the set-up has been laying in a remote place most of the time.

I'm going to get a new cable, and take the magnet out. Is this going to affect acoustics?

Re: where to buy a new breakout cable for the Babyface?

Thanks for replying. Btw I have no idea why my cables loosed contact with time. What are your recommendations to keep the cable alive longer?


Re: where to buy a new breakout cable for the Babyface?

If the magnet's clip mechanism is the cause then you will get a new cable for free at your local distributor. And on the next cable simply remove it. No change in analog sound at all.

Matthias Carstens