Topic: Babyface + SlimPhatty

Hello guys.

I'm having some issues with my SlimPhatty and Babyface.

I think it's very common... i'm getting an HISS. It's now a big dea when i'm playing without my DAW, but whenever i add it to a channel on the DAW's mixer with a compressor or distortion, low levels, the signal gets a bit intense...

Is this normal? Or am i having issues?

Another thing i've noticed is if put the Babyface's volume a bit high, everytime i move the mouse the HISS responds.

Hope to be clear enough.

Any thoughts?

Re: Babyface + SlimPhatty

I had the same issue on a desktop pc. I connected the Babyface to a dedicated PCIe USB card rather than one built into the motherboard and problem solved. Obviously this is not a solution if you are using a laptop.



Re: Babyface + SlimPhatty

I tried a few things and i'm still getting the Hiss noise. i've changed the USB connections, tried the SlimPhatty only through audio signal and Midi, no USB connected...

with my Access Virus it works perfect with the same settings and no USB connected.

any thoughts how to solve it?