1 (edited by jmiguel 2013-06-25 15:11:03)

Topic: [RME RayDAT] Problems with Output


I have RME RayDAT correctly connected with Octopre MKII Dynamic.

I don't obtain output sound, for example, in the windows when I select the input channel 1 to the output channel 1.
In Linux when I do play to output, doesn't work.

The capture system work well in both systems.


Re: [RME RayDAT] Problems with Output

Your picture doesn't work. Please explain the cable connections and settings in the HDSPe Settings window.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: [RME RayDAT] Problems with Output

Sorry about the photo, I corrected.

I have a RayDAT and a 9632, conected with three OctoPre MKII Dynamic.

RayDAT has input ADAT1,ADAT2 and ADAT3 connected to first output each OctoPre MKII Dynamic.

Output ADAT1 is connected to first input of first OctoPre MKII.

I use a coaxial cable connected to output of the 9632 (WC out) the each input World-Clock of each OctoPre MKII Dynamic.

In the first OctoPre MKII Dynamic I have 1 microfone conected to channel 1 (Mic/Line input), and a speaker to channel 1 (Line Outputs).

The Worldclock of each OctoPre MKII Dynamic is locked and configurated to 48Khz.

If I desactivate (AD DA) button in the OctoPre the speaker works well. (this connected the input direct to output)

The Configuration:

Manual of the OctoPre MKII Dynamic:
http://d3se566zfvnmhf.cloudfront.net/si … cenfr1.pdf


Re: [RME RayDAT] Problems with Output

Clock Source for the RayDAT should be set for ADAT 1 instead of TCO. The sync display shows that there is some problem with clock for the unit connected to ADAT 2 input (currently shows "Lock", should say "Sync" when the preamp is configured correctly).

Otherwise, no obvious problem with the RME card, are both the driver and firmware up to date (version numbers please)? At some point long ago, ADAT 1 and ADAT2 ports were changed with a firmware update, maybe you just connected to the wrong port.

You can also try a reset of the HDSP Mixer, hold CTRL and click the Preset 1 button on the right side.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: [RME RayDAT] Problems with Output

Now fix the links, had a disconnected cable, each OctoPre MKII Dynamic is WorldClock locked.
The version of the driver of the RME HDSPe RayDAT is

How can I see the firmware version?

Why the World Clock to be configured with ADapt1, if World Clock comes from the WC output?

New Configuration:

Still doesn't work.



Re: [RME RayDAT] Problems with Output

Current driver is 3.36. Firmware is on the About tab.

Matthias Carstens

7 (edited by jmiguel 2013-06-25 18:43:25)

Re: [RME RayDAT] Problems with Output

I update the firmware, and the driver.
And still doesn't work sad





Re: [RME RayDAT] Problems with Output

Do you have any ideia what's wrong?

How I can send a audio to output speaker that connected to channel 1 using ecasound in linux?

I tried this:
sudo ecasound -i audio.wav -o alsa,sysdefault
sudo ecasound -i audio.wav -o alsa,sysdefault:0

and don't work.

If you know a way to test the windows, please tell me.
