Topic: Announcement - RME is moving
to a new server. Therefore, most probably on Wednesday, 3rd July, the RME website and the RME forum will be down for some time.
After that you should be able to enjoy a modernized forum and a quicker website.
Welcome to the new forum!
As you might have noticed we faced some performance problems in the last weeks. The server which hosted our website and forum got a bit too old and weak for the ever growing number of RME users. We therefore not only moved to a new server, but also used the opportunity to update everything under the hood. As a result you are now looking at a refreshed forum which - although the theme is not from RME - fits perfectly to the current design of our website.
Please use the opportunity to check your profile and explore the features that this forum gives you. Happy posting!
Matthias Carstens