Topic: Just passing thru - Hammerfall 9652 HDSP PCI questions.

I see no area that is specific for the PCI model.  I see the  PCI-E model has an area.  Does this mean that the PCI is legacy gear that has lost support - specifically Win 7 x64?

My interest is this:

I have a legacy Frontier Dakota PCI card that has done me a good job for a long time.  It has to go because Frontier is going a different direction.  I can't run SONAR X2 x64 (without crashes) because of this card's drivers.  However, I can run Studio One 2.5 x64 with no problem.  I have one PCIe slot and it's occupied by a UAD-2 card.  (Yeah, legacy motherboard as well)

I also have other pieces of Frontier hardware.  Two Tango 24 AD/DA ADAT converters and a Frontier Sierra midi interface.  I'm trying to utilize the Tangos a little longer.  The Sierra can go away if I have at least 2 midi inputs.  BTW, if it isn't apparent, I'm running Win 7 x64 and will be for as long as I can.

My idea is to try to buy a Hammerfall 9652 HDSP PCI card in used condition at a price point of (>$300.00) as a transition piece to use until I finally end up with a Fireface 800 UFX or something along that line (USB or Firewire) in a year or so.  I intend to hang on to one of the Tangos to utilize the Adat input of the Fireface.

So, what do you think?

Dave Modisette

Re: Just passing thru - Hammerfall 9652 HDSP PCI questions.

The HDSP cards still have driver for the current Windows OS, including 64 bit. Avoid the older DIGI 9652, these are no longer supported and incompatible with all 64 bit operating systems.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Just passing thru - Hammerfall 9652 HDSP PCI questions.

The more I look at the RME 9652 HDSP, the more I think that it might be more than a temporary solution.  I have more than enough mic pres and I'm happy with my two Frontier Tango converters.  The 9652 HDSP and Totalmix will give me the real time monitoring that I've never adequately had to my satisfaction.

Dave Modisette

Re: Just passing thru - Hammerfall 9652 HDSP PCI questions.

I got all amped up when I discovered that my Asus M3N78-VM motherboard had two PCI-e slots.  But one is a PCIe x1 and the other is a PCIe x16.  I was hoping that maybe I could use one slot for a RayDat and the other for my UAD-2 solo card but I don't see how this would work when I look at picture of my motherboard.  I'm thinking that there isn't room or the cardslots are poorly arranged.

If someone would take a look for me and give me a thumbs up or down opinion, I would appreciate it.

Dave Modisette

Re: Just passing thru - Hammerfall 9652 HDSP PCI questions.

You can use either PCIe slot for the RayDAT card, it's only an x1 card. The daughter card can be placed in front of the PCI slot, as it does not connect directly to the motherboard. It connects to the main RayDAT card with a ribbon cable, and it's long enough to jump over a couple cards.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

6 (edited by Dave Modisette 2013-07-13 00:43:49)

Re: Just passing thru - Hammerfall 9652 HDSP PCI questions.

Is the x1 slot the one near the copper heat sinks?  If so, it looks like the heat sink has been trimmed back to allow space but all that metal exposed makes me worry about shorts.  I could probably buy a small piece of teflon sheet about .032"
inches thick an wedge between the card and the copper. 

I guess the best course is to pull the case off and have a look to see what I am dealing with.

Since I already have 16 channels i/o of ADAT converters and I like my outboard preamps, maybe the RayDat would be something I can run with for a while.

If someone would tell me for sure, I'm thinking as far as latency is concerned, I'm not going to get much better than a RayDat for that?

EDIT:  Just to be fair to my builder, I found an email where I gave him the go ahead to upgrade the motherboard to one with more slots.

Dave Modisette

Re: Just passing thru - Hammerfall 9652 HDSP PCI questions.

Ok, I pulled the side panel off the CPU and was surprised.  Either that picture isn't correct or there was an update or a different model of the same motherboard or my computer builder used a board other than the one I specified because that's not what I saw. 

The PCI-e x16 slot is in a different spot and the x16 is moved and there is plenty of room.  The only thing to do is to make a decision to proceed.

Dave Modisette

Re: Just passing thru - Hammerfall 9652 HDSP PCI questions.

The hunt is over.  I found a used Hammerfall 9652 HDSP for a good price on Craigslist here in my area.  I will pick it up in about an hour.  If the change in soundcards cures my issues with SONAR X2, and my project studio business keeps growing, maybe next year I'll look at the RayDat or 800 UFX model and a new DAW build.

Dave Modisette