1 (edited by Audiowonderland 2013-07-25 18:56:41)

Topic: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

My sound card is the 9632 that has 2in/out for analog. I have added the daughter card for 4 additional analog inputs.

I have found in testing various mics in my ISO cab that the channels from the daughter board are arriving ~ 40 samples early compared to the channels from the primary card. 

The issue is bad enough that any mic on the daughter card brought up with mics from the primary have phase issues that are not pleasant. As a stop gap I am nudging the tracks from the daughter card back 40 samples. That works but I would rather fix the issue. It seems that the daughter card inputs are not in time with the main card inputs but that seems like something that would never make it past a basic QC check so I am not sure what is going on

Any one have suggestions on what the issue could be?

My PC is a white box that I built myself. ASUS mobo. DAW is Reaper 4.x

Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

Hello, AI4S-192 AIO is the one you have, correct? This daughter card is designed to match the HDSPe AIO card, which has lower latency for A/D than your HDSP 9632 card. The version that would match your HDSP 9632 card is called HDSP 9632 AI4S-192.

Even though this one is discontinued, we still have some new old stock in the US.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

Jeff wrote:

Hello, AI4S-192 AIO is the one you have, correct? This daughter card is designed to match the HDSPe AIO card, which has lower latency for A/D than your HDSP 9632 card. The version that would match your HDSP 9632 card is called HDSP 9632 AI4S-192.

Even though this one is discontinued, we still have some new old stock in the US.

I have had these for years. Can I see the model in software or do I have to crack the case? Might still have the box...

Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

You'll have to check the box or the print on the PCB.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

5 (edited by Audiowonderland 2013-07-30 18:35:34)

Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

Jeff wrote:

Hello, AI4S-192 AIO is the one you have, correct? This daughter card is designed to match the HDSPe AIO card, which has lower latency for A/D than your HDSP 9632 card. The version that would match your HDSP 9632 card is called HDSP 9632 AI4S-192.

Even though this one is discontinued, we still have some new old stock in the US.

The label on the front of the box reads
HDSP 9632  AI4S-192

The marking above the upper bar code on the bottom of the box reads

The lower bar coded number is

A part number I would guess.

The note included in the box has the header
Brief note on HDSP 9632 AI4S-192 / AO4S-192

To be honest I am not 100% sure which one I have but it appears to me that I do have the correct card. If I do have the wrong one its easy to see why I would have been confused. They are similar part numbers and I didn't know there were different models. I hope that's enough information to determine what I have.

The main card info is
HDSP 9632

Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

Wow, now that didn't take long !

(Wayne from over at GS'z..  : >)

Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

mixsit wrote:

Wow, now that didn't take long !

(Wayne from over at GS'z..  : >)

Yeah, the response time was phenomenal. It doesn't appear that I have the wrong card though so I am patiently waiting for Jeff to work his magic

Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

Was the daughter card purchased new? If not, it may have been modded for use with the AIO. Otherwise, not a known issue to me.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

9 (edited by Audiowonderland 2013-07-31 02:25:23)

Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

Jeff wrote:

Was the daughter card purchased new? If not, it may have been modded for use with the AIO. Otherwise, not a known issue to me.

The card was purchased new.  It would seem I may be on my own in solving this one......

If it would be of any additional help, the firmware is current @ v154. The driver is a bit out of date @ v3.08.1. I will update that shortly and see what effect that has.

I am running 32bit XP and Reaper 4.x


Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

I think that you have one of the very first 9632s. These used CS5361 as ADC. We then changed to AK5385, and all AI4S ever shipped also have AK5385. The difference in latency between these AD converters would explain what you see. That is expected behavior, sorry.

Matthias Carstens

Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

MC wrote:

I think that you have one of the very first 9632s. These used CS5361 as ADC. We then changed to AK5385, and all AI4S ever shipped also have AK5385. The difference in latency between these AD converters would explain what you see. That is expected behavior, sorry.

So you have a version of the 9632 out there that is not compatible with any of the daughter boards that were sold as companion pieces? No documentation? No work around?  I am basically screwed?   

I find that unacceptable.  Surely someone there can at least do the math and tell me exactly how far off the tracks will be at a given sample rate so I can at least manually adjust them in my DAW. 40 samples is just my best estimate based on the wav's I see in the DAW.


Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

Well, I searched further and found a circuit diagram which most probably means that at some point in time we had AI4S-192 with CS5361 on it.

> I find that unacceptable.

This 'issue' happened 10 (!) years back. We changed to the AK in November 2003...

> Surely someone there can at least do the math and tell me exactly how far off the tracks will be at a given sample rate

According to the data sheets the difference is 31 samples in single speed, 32 samples in double speed, and 33 samples in quad speed.

Matthias Carstens

Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

MC wrote:

Well, I searched further and found a circuit diagram which most probably means that at some point in time we had AI4S-192 with CS5361 on it.

> I find that unacceptable.

This 'issue' happened 10 (!) years back. We changed to the AK in November 2003...

> Surely someone there can at least do the math and tell me exactly how far off the tracks will be at a given sample rate

According to the data sheets the difference is 31 samples in single speed, 32 samples in double speed, and 33 samples in quad speed.

So if I am running @ 96/24 that would be double speed?

Re: 9632 daughter card inputs appear misaligned with primary card inputs

Audiowonderland wrote:

So if I am running @ 96/24 that would be double speed?

Yes, and 192k would be quad speed.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.