Topic: Help needed with writing applescript (to select TMFX options)
Hi there!
Anyone here skilled in writing applescripts?
I'd be so greatful if someone could write me a simple script that would do the following in mac os 10.8.4:
1) make the Totalmix window active
2) Select "Enable MIDI Control" from the options menu in the top menu bar.
(I tried with google, but couln't get it working with any of the instructions I found)
(Another option would be if RME added a key command for enabling and disabling midi control, but I can see why this might not happen.)
My problem (and the reason I need this) is, that I'm now using three instances of LcXmu, and each time I start LcXmu, my Totalmix window flickrs for a couple of seconds (changes submixes too I think) and some of the selected 8 mackie channels change their mute (and / or solo) state. This probably happens due to some LcXmu initialization, and to prevent this I can simply disable midi control, start LcXmu, and turn midi control back on.
I would really like to automate this, as I do this many times a day. I'm already using quicksilver for delayed starting of apps, so I only need this simple sript that selects the "Enable MIDI Control" for me.
Then instead of launching LcXmu, I would launch a quicksilver / automator sequence that
1) Disables midi control by running the script
2) Launches LcXmu
3) Enables MIDI control by running the script again after a short delay
Thank you very much for your help!