Topic: Built in per port delay

Hi folks,
New to RME and this forum, and let me start by saying that I'm really loving my HDSPe MADI FX card.

Now a quick question/feature request. I have an HDSPe MADI FX which connects to different converters on it's first two MADI ports. That is, MADI I/O 1 goes to converter A and MADI I/O 2 goes to converter B. This works well except that the converters are made by different manufacturers and have different conversion latency. In my case, converter B has about 20 samples more latency than converter A. I'm wondering if it would be possible to add the ability to set per-port delays on the MADI fx card in a driver update. If I could adjust a setting on my MADI ports to make it so that audio to my faster converter is delayed so that it matches my slower converter it would alleviate some phase problems.

Not sure if it could be done in a future driver update, but if it's possible it sure would make life a bit easier for folks running multiple MADI devices.


Re: Built in per port delay

Not possible technically, sorry. The topic has been discussed before, you can search it on the forum...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Built in per port delay

Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the info. I'll search the forum.
