Topic: tascam US2400 controlling totalmix


i have a Raydat HDSPe card with totalmix and want to control it with the tascam US2400 (24 flying faders..)
Is it possible to control 24 channels in totalmix simultaneously without having to switch banks?
The tascam US2400 is clearly mentioned in the manual as being a compatible midi control it should be possible?

Jan Willems Jr


Re: tascam US2400 controlling totalmix

TM can not be used in multiple instances, therefore you are limited to 8 channels. And yes, it is still compatible to the US2400.

Matthias Carstens

Re: tascam US2400 controlling totalmix

So the tascam us2400 is in fact only 1/3 compatible?

I bought the tascam us2400 because it has 24 faders..and clearly mentioned in the RME manual as being a compatible (mackie protocol) midicontroller.. When i read this i expect it to use all 24 of it's faders simultaneously for controlling totalmix, and not only 8!

Is there a way i can assign all 24 faders on the tascam us2400 to control 24 faders of choice (in the top/middle or bottom row) SIMULTANEOUSLY in Totalmix? And of course i want to use all 24 mute/solo/pan buttons on the tascam us2400 as well to control the mute/pan/solo buttons in Totalmix..

And i would also find it logical that totalmix sends it's information back to the tascam so if i select another output in the bottom row, all faders/mute/solo/pan settings of the top input row (and the middle row) update on the tascam us 2400..

I don't expect an full explanation of how exactly to do this..That i can find out myself..
I only need to know if this is in fact possible:
FULL PROGRAMMABLE MIDI CONTROL between RME HDSPe Raydat Totalmix and Tascam US2400 for all faders/buttons..

Thank you for the fast response,
Jan Willems Jr

Re: tascam US2400 controlling totalmix

He already answered your question. You can only control 8 channels using the Mackie Control Protocol.
I also hate this limitation, but it is what it is.
Hopefully they change this in the future then you will be able  to use all 24 faders on your Tascam US2400.

Studio: RME UFX PT11, Studio One 2.5, Waves, UAD..
Live: RME UFX, Octopre, Rodes, Shure

5 (edited by johnnydub 2013-09-12 12:35:53)

Re: tascam US2400 controlling totalmix

If i understand correctly this is now possible in the new totalmix fx?
I need to make sure it is to make the upgrade and sell my Raydat..

So to make sure:

1. i read this on the rme totalmix fx forum:

"Totalmix FX: 4 new features in the Settings dialog (F3)
... Tab MIDI: now supports up to 4 MIDI remote ports simultaneously..."

2. From the manual US2400:

"Each bank of 8 faders on the US-2400 appears to the computer as one MIDI port, with the leftmost fader
bank containing channels 1 through 8 ..."

"For DAWs that support multiple control surfaces as a single unified device, assign each US-2400 MIDI port to a separate control surface entry. Generally, you’ll have to choose a control surface here that allows the DAW to find the US-2400 in a particular control surface mode. For example, if the US-2400 is emulating the HUI protocol, you would choose
three HUI devices, each one on a different US- 2400 MIDI port..."

"Assign the ports left to right as follows: Port 1 represents faders 1–8; Port 2 represents faders 9–16;
Port 3 represents faders 17–24; Port 4 represents the joystick. Note that Port 1 includes the master section controls. Enable the US-2400 MIDI ports in your DAW’s MIDI configuration window, open the Control Surface configuration window in your DAW software..."

So all this means i can control the new totalmix fx with the US2400 using all 24 faders simultaneously without having to bank up or down?

And also:  is there an easy way to select submixes while staying in the upper row in totalmix?
for example:
- i select submix 1/2 (with an assigned button on the us2400)..24 faders update on the us2400 showing me the upper row of TM..adjust all 24 faders without banking
-then i select submix 7-8 (with an assigned button on the us2400)..24 faders update on the us2400 showing me the upper row of TM..adjust all 24 faders without banking   
-and so on

I apologize if this is explained already, but i tried to find it and didn't find a clear answer on this..
Or maybe i am not enough of a midi expert to understand correctly..
I hope someone can help me!


Re: tascam US2400 controlling totalmix

Yes, that should work. TRhe option to selct Submix from the inputs is in the Settings (F2), MIDI Page.

We have never worked with the Tascam but think that at least one thing will not work - moving the 3 banks simultaneously. There is no sync function at this time. But if you set them up to stay where they are it should work.

Matthias Carstens