Topic: Broken MultiFace + PCI combo

Hey, I'm having trouble getting my old RME MultiFace to work. I'm using it with a PCI interface.

I bought it second hand not long ago, and it was working great for a while. But then, forgetting I had still hooked up the cable for the interface, I moved my PC and it kind of jerked on both the interface card and the box (to the side, not outwards). It didn't seem much at the time, just a little tug at both sides, but after that incident it stopped working. It detects it as a DigiFace now, but only reports seeing it.

I browsed around the forum and googled and tried a couple of things.

I tried a few cables and that changed nothing.

I tried different operating systems as well; I was on Windows XP at the time, but have now upgraded to Windows 7. I'm also running Debian, which gives the same results.

I tried bringing it to the store to have it fixed, but they told me that because it is second hand they could do nothing for me without spending a lot of money.

Should I try and re-solder the connection of the firewire interface ports on the box and the card?

What are my options here?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Broken MultiFace + PCI combo

Any repair here will involve money, since the damage is self-induced. Whether or not some DIY repair will lead to success is impossible to determine from here (even with pictures)....
If you send it in, you will get a quote before the repair.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Broken MultiFace + PCI combo

Alright, I sent you an email about it.

Re: Broken MultiFace + PCI combo

I finally opened up the case to have a closer look. I could clearly see that the Firewire port was bent out of shape. Still it didn't seem too serious; All the connections are firmly soldered. Are these firewire ports sensitive to this kind of thing? I simply tried bending it back into shape, but it still gets detected as a Digiface (not connected, just detected).

Should I try and solder on new Firewire port? Or should I just send it to you guys for repairs?