Topic: USB error counter / lost ASIO buffers

I do get consistently some differences between the Lost ASIO buffer counter in Samplitude (very trustworthy) and the error counter in the MF USB seetings dialogue. Shouldn't the first number here reflect those errors? In testing I got quite a few times very audible and high rate lost buffers in Sam whereas the RME driver doesn't show any.
Did I miss something here or is the recording software able to check more exact due to another mechanism?
Is it correct that the CRC counter beneath would only report very serious USB connection problems (bad cable or the like)

Re: USB error counter / lost ASIO buffers

The error count in the Babyface settings is only USB transmission errors. The LABs in Samplitude must be caused by something else on the computer - bad drivers, BIOS, etc.

Try this tool, maybe it can help you track down the source of trouble. http://www.resplendence.com/latencymon

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

3 (edited by martinhr 2013-11-09 06:56:32)

Re: USB error counter / lost ASIO buffers

Ah, I somehow thought the recording program would report back LABs to the driver. But to which kind of error (uncorrectable?) does the first number refer to then? If there are LABs this counter most probably does show some errors also.
I know those test tools and it's not really a problem, really can't expect from a eeePC to run low latencies. In fact I'm happy that this setup (eeePC 1015PN, SSD, Madiface USB) works reliable for hours with buffers 1024 or 2048 without any dropouts. 8 tracks is easily possible..