Topic: Random Level Drops on Input Channels

recently I changed my RME Multiface I with the newer Multiface II....
Sometimes I have an issue with level drops on some Input channels, something like 6dB or so, I'm not able to replicate the problem.
for sure it's not a Preamp, Mic or mic cable problem.
possible causes, or at least what I'm thinking at the moment:
- Oxidation on Multiface connections
- Bad Cable from Preamp to Multiface
- Drivers Problem
any thoughts?


Re: Random Level Drops on Input Channels

Is the Totalmix's MIDI Control enabled by accident?

Re: Random Level Drops on Input Channels

why didn't I get an email allert for this answer?
I'll check that but I guess not, the Totalmix didn't change from the Multiface I and II, I didn't have problems before.
few days ago I updated all the possible and pop in and uot the jacks few times... apparently now I don't get level drops but I won't call it solved for the moment.