Topic: Rme raydat with ad/da no sound

I just bought raydat but can't get sound out of my pc.
i have established sync between two but still no sound.
i have also ua and focusrite mk II preams with ad/da as well but no luck on those ether
I'm very knowledgable with computers and music equipment but this is beyond me, the most coplicated card i ever touched. I just cant figure out why im gettin ny keyboard guitar mpc mics inputs but no output for sound.
Please help before i return it.
Thank you

Re: Rme raydat with ad/da no sound

You need to provide a lot more information about what is going on before anyone can help.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Rme raydat with ad/da no sound

I have ray dat with expension board hook up to my asus board i rand optical to ad/da as a master and raydat as a slave.  Everything hooked up to my preams and my ada 8200 getting sound in,  in total mix my mic mpc keyboard etc. But i can't get no sounds from raydat on my studio monitors and headphones no output. I tried hooking up spdif from break out cable but still no luck. I was trying re routing total mix but still not getting any sound out.