Topic: Windows Media PLayer and RME Raydat

This issue only applies to files that lets say are sitting on my desk top or in a file folder and not opening my DAW software.  I use to be able to play Mp3's or .wav fies fine with Media Player before with out opening Cubase, but that is when I had my AISO card installed, I"ve taken that out of my system and replaced it with my new RayDat card.

I am getting error messages when I try to play anything through my PC and Windows Media Player.... Am I doing something wrong? I have a simple set up,  RME Raydat card up and running with  my Sony DMX r100 console sounding great and using Cubase as our DAW.  The Computer a Dell XPS 8300 has no additional sound card installed and let me reiterate, there is no sound card on the motherboard :-)   So, with that said, does Windows Media Player need an additional card so I can play Mp3's,  Youtube and wave files.  Right now to get around this we have to open Cubase, import the audio files and then play any of the files through cubase. 

In the RME manual it suggest to play system sound with another audio card and since my computer has none could it be that is why I am getting an error.   

I've tried a bunch of connections in the RME panel and with the system audio choices and I just can't seem to get this figured out I am sure one of you folks would have a solution ... 

Thanks in advice for any help you can give us.. 


Re: Windows Media PLayer and RME Raydat

Select "Speakers / Raydat" on Playback device tab in Windows Control Panel / Sound, then click "Set Default".

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Windows Media PLayer and RME Raydat

Hi Jeff,   I have done that (we spoke on the phone).. but I am still getting a Windows Media player error and seeing if anyone else has had the same issue. The speakers seem to be a bit greyed out.   I've tried about every setting in the Windows control panel but still get the darn error.  I can get the exact working latter today and post it.  I just didn't want to bother you on the phone again, don't want to wear out my welcome :-) 


Re: Windows Media PLayer and RME Raydat

IMHO with the latest drivers there are no 'speakers' anymore. You have to select 'RayDAT 1-8' instead.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Windows Media PLayer and RME Raydat

Now that is interesting and perhaps why they looked greyed out in  the control panel...    What is the connection RayDat 1-8 I"M not sure I even saw tht.  One more point I didn't mention is that we are using the AES/EBU for playback to the computer if that matters.    We do have ADAT 1,2and 3 connected to and from our Sony board, but that is used in Tracking and playback from Cubase mainly...    One other issues I found yesterday is that under one of the windows sound screens when I choose speakers (that are greyed out as my defalt device there was a box about sample rate,  it had something about 44.1 but that box and information was greyed out..   

I know this is crazy but there has to be a way to set it up if the card supports this :-) 