Topic: Multiface II + Expresscard Host Problem

I am suddenly having the problem where the Host light stays on (does not shut off after windows login) and the DSP application is showing an I/O box error meaning the expresscard and I/O box no longer communicates. I have already tried another firewire cable, and another power adapter (19V up to 2.5 Amps -> Targus).

Here is what happened:
My laptop, which had the expresscard, suddenly died when I tried connecting a network cable in it so something obviously went wrong with the laptop/network device (a digital avid mixer which is still functional; thank god!). The Multiface II box host light suddenly started to flash meaning it lost communication with the laptop which tells me that the multiface II box was still functioning properly after the disaster struck. This leads me to the cable (which I tested) and the expresscard. So I tried to flash different versions of the firmware (and installing new drivers that go with it) and the flash is succesfull everytime. So the host communication with the eprom in the expresscard is ok. So I am assuming that the firewire driver chip inside expresscard (or something in the sort) went bad for some reason. Is this possible? I opened the plastic black box from the expresscard (where the firewire cable connects to) and I see no sign of bad traces or burnt chip (but again a chip going bad can show no physical damage to the eye).

Any ideas? Is there a way to test this thing (the express card). Also the adat shoes no light when the multiface II is powered. Is this also normal due to the fact that the host cannot program it?


2 (edited by uchip 2013-11-20 04:45:00)

Re: Multiface II + Expresscard Host Problem

Maybe I asked too many questions...

My Sony Vaio no longer works so I can't use it as a working model. So I tried the multifaceII/Expresscard combo in another laptop (Samsung running Windows 7 Ultimate) and a Desktop (HP also running the same OS) by purchasing a PCI Express to ExpressCard converter card ( … r~PEX2ECDP); I made sure the power management to the PCIx slot is disabled.

In both cases above the results are exactly the same: I am able to flash the expresscard  firmware every time using the fut application and the corresponding drivers install correctly (the card is seen in windows every time). Does this mean by itself that the expresscard should be ok?

Re: Multiface II + Expresscard Host Problem

Is everyone from RME on holiday?

Re: Multiface II + Expresscard Host Problem

Hello uchip.

I have the same problem here.

old MacBook Pro 17" with Mac OS 10.6.8
The HDSPe ExpressCard with Firmware 20 and the new driver Version 3.07
The Host light is also red on the Multiface II