Topic: Sending several OSC commands at once

Hi @ all!

OSC is pretty new to me. Right now I'm trying to build a midi device in max4live (Ableton Live) to control a few things in totalmix.

I already got some things to work, for example: mute input channels.

The problem that I'm having right now: I'd also like to mute and unmute single output channels. Unfortunately the commands for muting the first input channel and first output channel are exactly the same: /1/mute/1/1
So, you need to "activate" the input channels first if you want to mute one of the input channels and you need to activate the output channels first if you want to mute one of the output channels.
The "activation" commands are:


Is there a way to put commands together like
/1/busInput, /1/mute/1/1

If so, how does it work exactly? What's the syntax?

In the end I would like to have several two-way-switches (NO toggles!!), each muting/unmuting one of the channels, where some channels are input channels and some are outputs. But I don't want an extra switch to choose between inputs or outputs first and then with a second switch mute/unmute a channel.. I want just ONE switch per channel, otherwise automation in ableton would simply be not possible.

Just imagine: for example I just muted an input channel a few seconds ago and now I'd like to mute an output channel. So I would have to automate the input/output-choose-switch too. HORRIBLE!

I hope someone can help me further!



Re: Sending several OSC commands at once

At the moment there is no way to put commands together, you're stuck with sending several osc messages for addressing a single parameter. This is especially problematic when adressing several parameters simultaneously at high speed: osc messages (send as UDP packets) tend to become mixed up along the way, which causes unexpected behaviour due to mixed up 'activation commands' as you call them. A 'global access' mode was announced by RME some time ago, addressing a single parameter directly with a single osc message. No news on that yet, I'm also still waiting for this update because of an application I'm developing.