1 (edited by miar 2013-12-27 20:34:28)

Topic: Newbie: Upgrading from EMU0404 PCI

Hi all,

1st post here.  Upgrading from EMU0404 PCIe and am researching RME.  Couple of things I cannot do without:

PCIe (Do not wish to use firewire/usb etc)
SPdif input (24bit)
Internal mixer s/w
I/O's Only really need 1 stereo In and one Out

Budget is a big factor for me and I'd hope to avoid much overkill for my needs/price but would much appreciate any suggestions.recommendations to look at.

Much thanks,

Re: Newbie: Upgrading from EMU0404 PCI

AiO should be fine.

Re: Newbie: Upgrading from EMU0404 PCI

tnx dude.  Will investigate it.

I'm curious.  Would I get a noticeable performance boost (VSTi at low latency) by making the switch?.

Asus P5k / Intel dual core 2.8ghz / 8gb ram / Win  7 64bit

Re: Newbie: Upgrading from EMU0404 PCI

Yes for sure, I made the same switch years ago (to a hdsp9652 from a emu 1212m), I would say twice the low latency performance. What would be a good idea too, is to also replace your CPU with a quad core like the Q9550, about 100€ second hand. Will also double your performance (again) or do you already have a quad core?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Newbie: Upgrading from EMU0404 PCI

Thanks mate.

My specs are above.  Dual core is what i'm on for now but i'm also considering a total system upgrade to maybe an Intel i7 based PC.  But budget might kill me.  RME are not cheap so I'm trying to establish which is the best move for now.

New system or RME.

...and if I can manage a new system (i7), what xtra performance might I gain by adding an RME also?  In noticable real terms.

Re: Newbie: Upgrading from EMU0404 PCI

The RME will get you lower usable latency and more plugins before breaking up! But in my humble opinion adding a quadcore to your current system will get you 75-80% of a new i7 system.
My quadcore is powerful enough since I have the RME. But do get a Q9550, they overclock very easily, mine runs at 3.6ghz.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Newbie: Upgrading from EMU0404 PCI

I take your point vin.  Though my MBD is maxed at 8gb Ram and I'm unsure on compatibility of the CPU in the Asus P5k and with Ram speed and overclocking to consider, I'd be out of my depth.

I can run my EMU 0404 happily at 2ms but only when projects are very small.  Maybe one or 2 big VSTis before I have to lower the latency.  So I have to consider if the boost going to RME is worth those xtra hundreds...

Decisions decisions...

Re: Newbie: Upgrading from EMU0404 PCI

A RME card won't really help you with VST performance.

Re: Newbie: Upgrading from EMU0404 PCI

Think it may not be worth the xtra cost just yet unless they bring out a more basic card for my needs.

Re: Newbie: Upgrading from EMU0404 PCI

Dandruff wrote:

A RME card won't really help you with VST performance.

How on earth can you say that?
RME drivers are really much better then most others, which in practice means more plugins or VSTi voices before audio breaks up at a given low latency. A lot of other brands hide there really bad low latency performance by double or triple buffering which makes a 256 buffer unusable for live playing.
My RME cards saved me from having to upgrade my PC for several years!

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Newbie: Upgrading from EMU0404 PCI

miar wrote:

Think it may not be worth the xtra cost just yet unless they bring out a more basic card for my needs.

If you have a free PCI slot you can always get a second hand HDSP9632 card. They perform 100% as good as PCIe, but are not 100% future proof of course.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632