Topic: HDSP9652 + ADA8000 no sync

Hi all,
I just bought a used HDSP9652 PCI Card and I´m trying get it synchronised with a ADA8000 using 2 optical cables. No matter what I do it always shows "no lock" in SyncCheck and the time code isnt set (-- : -- : --). The playback sound is just a chaotic noise pattern and also when there is no playback it gives out high frequent crackles. I also tried to sync with wordclock but it doesnt change anything. When i move the optical plugs the crackling changes or the sound disappears at all. When i set the ADA8000 as master and Clock Source in the DSP settings to "ADAT1 In" the SyncCheck flips between "Sync" and "No Lock" in irregular intervals and the Clock Source flips between "ADAT" and "Internal". The ADA8000 status led says sync is locked in all positions (Slave WC, ADAT in, Master). Does anyone have an idea what could cause this problem? I am grateful for any help!

Re: HDSP9652 + ADA8000 no sync

Try this first. One cable rme adat out to ada8000 in. Set rme clock master and ada adat slave. See how the outputs of the ada work.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: HDSP9652 + ADA8000 no sync

Hi Vinark,
thanks a lot for your help! Ok so i tried to connect only the optical output to the ADA and set the clock to internal (master). The Sync Led on the ADA still says "locked". No crackles in this case but still (i forgot to mention before) a hum that kinda fades in and out at a specific rate. I plugged the ADA8000 output to the HDSP again and the crackling started again, the hum remains at the same volume and gets bassier. I also figured out that the noise sounds different at every audio output. SyncCheck flips between "Sync" and "No lock" now at ADAT1 IN. Thats already a little progress! : )

Re: HDSP9652 + ADA8000 no sync

If you disconnect the adats and set the ada to internal, do you have hum too? Did you try a different adat port on the rme. Do you have another adat cable(S) to try?
Sounds like something is faulty, to check the rme, connect adat1 in to adat out1 and set to internal sync, this is a loopback and sync should report lock on adat one. If theis works with both cables it is not the rme nor the cables. Make sure the adats are not set to spdif!

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: HDSP9652 + ADA8000 no sync

sorry I was off over the weekend. I think we got the problem now. If I disconnect everything the ADA8000 still generates some hum, but I have to lift the volume quite a lot to hear it. Sync is fine on all adat ports when I connect via loopback, so the interface and the cables are fine. Thanks for this trick, I wouldnt have thought of that! So, I guess the ADA8000 is not working as it should, right?

Re: HDSP9652 + ADA8000 no sync

If the hum is a ground loop, it could also disrupt the clocking. If you disconnect all analogue connections from the ADA does it clock correctly or if you remove ground from it´s power connector? Does the hum disappear then? I do know of some clocking issues with the ADA and motu gear.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: HDSP9652 + ADA8000 no sync

I unplugged everything except one output for the speaker. The hum is still there. If the ADA is set master there´s again a modulation on the hum signal (fade in/out). If its set slave the hum is less loud and constant at a lower frequency (also less overtones). I taped the ground contact from the power cable, but the hum does not disappear or change.