Topic: Automatic Talkback feature. Using Input MTC or MMC.

I imagine it would be quite easy to implement automatic talkback switching using MTC or MMC midi messages. Using virtual Midi port or hardware Midi loopback.

1. MMC = (Midi Machine Control)  STOP, PLAY, REC.

Example1 :
STOP = Talkback ON
PLAY = Talkback ON
REC = Talkback OFF

Example2 :
STOP = Talkback ON
PLAY = Talkback OFF
REC = Talkback OFF

2. MTC (Midi Time Code)
When running = Talkback OFF
When stopped = Talkback ON

It would make a great pro post production feature and very easy to implement.


Re: Automatic Talkback feature. Using Input MTC or MMC.

Any chance to see this feature in a future update ? It would be so great for those who don't have integrated auto talkback in their console. Thanks

Re: Automatic Talkback feature. Using Input MTC or MMC.

I have a solution - but inside a DAW (Sequoia here):

download reaper plugins:

in reajs create a new plugin with this script:

desc:Talkback control - mutes on play, rec and when audio exceeds threshold

slider1:-12<-60,12,1>Mute threshold (dB)
slider2:3<0,50,1>RMS size (ms)
slider3:750<0,2000,1>Unmute release (ms)

scale = log( 10.0 ) * 0.05;    
pos = RMS_tot = 0;

threshold = exp( slider1 * scale );
RMS_buf_size = slider2 * srate * 0.001;
release = slider3 * srate * 0.001;

mute = 0;

//check play state
play_state == 1 || play_state == 5 ? mute = 1;

//calculate RMS
this_spl = max( abs(spl0), abs(spl1) );
tot_RMS = tot_RMS - RMS_buf[ pos ] + this_spl;
RMS_buf[ pos ] = this_spl;
pos += 1; pos > RMS_buf_size ? pos = 0;

//check RMS against threshold
tot_RMS / RMS_buf_size > threshold ? mute = 1;

mute ? gain = 0 : gain = min( 1, gain + 1 / release );

spl0 *= gain;
spl1 *= gain;

This automatically mutes and unmutes a channel (e.g. a listenback microphone or your talkback microphone)
