Topic: Couple of frustrating issues with HDSP 9652

Hi guys.
I just purchased a HDSP 9652 to interface my 2 Apogee rosetta 800s via ADAT to my PC.
I installed the latest drivers from the RME site for my system (Win XP Pro SP2). I read the manual and first thing I noticed is that the "single speed" option is missing from my DSP settings dialog..?? If I have the RME card as the slave and change sample rates from the Apogee unit 44.1 to 48 to 88.2 to 96, the sample rates in the DSP dialog are only changing between 44.1 and 48 khz. I figure that in the "single speed" mode it only goes up to 48 Khz, but I don't even have that option in my dialog to change it..?
If I have the RME as the master and try to change the sample rate from my DAW (Cubase 4) to 96 khz, the sample rate in the RME dialog changes to 96 but Apogee goes to only 48 khz.
I think my problem may lay in the "single speed" thingy, but I just don't have the option to change that..Or is it, in fact, another issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks very much

2 (edited by vinark 2014-03-13 10:14:49)

Re: Couple of frustrating issues with HDSP 9652

Adat goes to 48k and uses smux for higher speeds, so 4 channels on 96k and 2 for 192k per adat cable. The adat cable will always run at 44 or 48k. For 2 apogees at 96k you would need 4 adat connections. For how to set this up you will need both manuals. Ofcourse the 9652 only has 3 adats so 16 channels of 96k will not work.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

3 (edited by sennadm 2014-03-13 11:22:39)

Re: Couple of frustrating issues with HDSP 9652

Vince, thank you for your quick response. Between the time I posted and your reply, I indeed realised that I have to have both, adat and s/mux selected on the apogee to be able to go to 88.2 or 96k. And the channel count at those two SRs halves in my connections dialog... Excuse my ignorance of ADAT going only to 48k for all 8 channels,but this is the first time I'm using it.
Shifting over from MOTU's PCI/Audiowire and most recently Apogee with FW option.
Thank you again.

P.S. Another thing...My sample rate goes all over the place if listening to youtube etc.. through the RME interface. HAve read something on the forum about rolling back to old drivers to fix the issue. Does anyone have experience with this?

Re: Couple of frustrating issues with HDSP 9652

What do you mean by all over the place?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Couple of frustrating issues with HDSP 9652

thanks Vince.. I'd be listening to a tune and it would sit at 44k..then I'd click on another one and it would jump to 48k on my apogee display. And the frustrating thing is, you can only change the sample rate from within the DAW application.

Re: Couple of frustrating issues with HDSP 9652

I would think that means they broadcast in 44 or 48, no? I think there is a way to lock windows audio to a specific sample rate, but I don't know how and I'm not sure it is a good idea (all windows audio will resample then)
And changing samplerate from daw or host is logical, it makes sure there are no mismatches. If I open a cubase project at 44 with the card locked at 48 by another program, cubase offers to resample all audio, not a good situation.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Couple of frustrating issues with HDSP 9652

Yeah, it's not a huge issue having to change from within the DAW, I am just used to being able to do it from the card's control panel.  And with cubase, my sample rate is always changed automatically when a project is opened in Cubase to suit that project's SR.