Topic: MADI Multicore AND DUREC-Recording?

Wondering if i could integrate a MADI Multicore in my existing system, keeping the possibility to record everything with DUREC.

Setup now:
Fireface UFX
1x Octamic connectet to analog ins on UFX (placed near Engineer)
1x Behringer P-16I CAT5 Distributer for 16-Chanel Headphone-Amps (fed by 2x ADAT out from Fireface).
2x Octamic connected to ADAT ins on UFX (placed near Musicians - connected to UFX with 15m ADAT cable... and BNC Wordclock)

Would love to replace the adat connectioni with MADI. DUREC recording is a must. Any setup suggestions without spending another 7k?


Re: MADI Multicore AND DUREC-Recording?

You will need to convert MADI to ADAT and vice versa - that would mean using two RME ADI-648 format converters, one at each end...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: MADI Multicore AND DUREC-Recording?

Thanks Daniel.

And I would be Limited to 16 Channels, becouse Fireface has two ADAT Ports right... also Remote-Control of Preamps would not be given, which is a must when investing that money.

Thought about selling my Setup and getting Madiface XT and 3 Octamics XTC. But then Durec is not possible... Madiface XT without DUREC is a showstopper... if i get this right, there is no possibility to record a madi-setup directly to usb at the time. basicly the idea is tho have a backup system - there is allways something you forget with a labtop - usb is just running and ok.