1 (edited by all 2014-04-04 17:36:49)

Topic: default setting workspace

hello !

damn me ! i just can't find again the topic where i rode about making one workspace the default one...
something about xxxx.tmws... but can't remember how to do it... nor where the info was...

have a pleasant evening


(want my tmfx to auto load (at each launch or booting) one particular workspace with the window at 100% at a precise place ---- i did that, but now i just can't recall to do it with another workspace --- mac - ufx )


Re: default setting workspace

Path is in the manual. Simply write protect that file.

Matthias Carstens

Re: default setting workspace

ok, thanks.


one should open the wanted workspace, quit TMFX, and then write protect the "lastFirefaceUFX123456789.xml" files...

which is there :

home/library/pref/RME totalmix fx