Topic: Madiface XT via USB 3.0 - High DPC Load under ASIO
I am a happy owner of one of the first Madiface XT. Amazing product, thanks a lot RME!
After the first test runs it seems that I can't get the XT running with a low DPC count.
Setup is as follows:
Lenovo ThinkPad T530 (Intel USB 3.0)
Win 7 Pro 64bit
Magix Sequoia 64bit
Madiface XT connected with the original USB 3.0 cable that came with it
The system runs perfectly normal with a DPC count of arund 80 while idle. Starting Sequoia raises the bar to around 700, still no problems. I did a number of recordings with different interfaces using this configuration, one of them an old Madiface ExpressCard - all successful and without DPC trouble.
Whenever I set Sequoia to take the Madiface XT as ASIO-interface the DPC count shoots up to around 1700. I don't have to record-enable any tracks or start a recording, simply setting the interface seems to be enough to make the system freak out. Choosing another interface or MME instead of ASIO brings the DPC count down immediately.
Of course my first step was to update all relevant software and drivers. Sequoia is now v12.4.1.246, Intel USB 3.0 driver is, Madiface XT firmware is 165/54/30, XT driver is 0.9375. However, the problem is still present.
I know that using USB 3.0 is at my own risk and that I should rather use PCIe instead but apart from that I would like to solve the USB 3.0 problem. Ideas and suggestions are very welcome!
Is there anyone here with the same problem or even with a solution?
Thanks a lot!