1 (edited by PrimeHD 2014-07-09 06:23:19)

Topic: TotalMix: blinking REC indicator, please!

Using UFX as a standalone recorder in the field, controlled by iPad with TotalMix.

When recording starts, UFX's own tiny monitor shows a blinking REC indicator, which is great. One look and you know it is still recording.

However, the way the unit is positioned, I cannot easily see its monitor. Instead, I do everything in TotalMix on the connected iPad.

...and unfortunately, in the TotalMix app, REC is just a plain red color, not blinking.

I'd much rather have it blink:

- it will unify the reading between the UFX monitor and TotalMix app

- it will make it easy to identify the recording is still in progress, by looking at the blinking red REC button in TotalMix

is there a setting that enables blinking REC in TotalMix? If not, can RME please introduce it, perhaps in the coming release of TotalMix app?

Thanks much.

RAW footage converted to video+audio, fast - for real-time playback and edit


Re: TotalMix: blinking REC indicator, please!

Pointing out such a difference makes me think that the display of the UFX is working the wrong way. Ongoing record is usually not signalled with blinking/flashing, but armed and pause states are. We should change that to match other devices and UIs.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by PrimeHD 2014-07-09 06:29:36)

Re: TotalMix: blinking REC indicator, please!

Matthias, you are correct - usually blinking means pause.

But with solid-state recorders where nothing is physically moving (remember reel-to-reell? :), there must be some 'animation" going on to easily identify the recording is still ongoing. Steady red in TotalMix makes me nervous. Are we actually recording or just armed for recording?

Of course, there's a running time counter. But it is just not that obvious as a blinker.

I'd keep UFX monitor REC blinking, and add same blinking in TotalMix app.

If it really irks you as resembling Rec Paused mode, then please animate it some other way - say, white scan line going through it or somesuch. I'm just assuming blinking is easier to achieve programmatically than any other type of animation...

RAW footage converted to video+audio, fast - for real-time playback and edit